GOIO Training GOI Training
GOIO Training GOI Training
March 10, 2013
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intok Nov 11, 2013 @ 1:48am
When will your next training session be?
Hi, I'm wondering if/when you will be having another training session?

I'm asking on behalf of the SteamLUG clan, of which we probably have enough GOI players to fill half of a 3x3 match as we have had a few clan events in GOI, however we aren't particularly great at the game yet.

Most of our players have voice chat capability as well.

So, in the interest of better competition in GOI and the stated goal of this group can you help us?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Calico-Jack Nov 15, 2013 @ 7:59am 
hi Intok

I just need to know your time slot or your approximate geographic location (country is enough).
intok Nov 15, 2013 @ 10:21am 
Our typical clan events are 1-3 Friday and Saturday US Central time if I'm reading the chart right.
Cheeseness Nov 15, 2013 @ 11:19am 
We're spread across the globe. UTC 1900 Saturday seems to give us the best window for Australasia, the Americas and Europe/Africa. All of our prime slots for this month are filled, so next month might get more people if it was in that slot.

Either way, we'd totally promote an event through our group :)
Calico-Jack Nov 15, 2013 @ 12:08pm 
OK that sounds like you're on GMT-6, some time zones have different scheduled training days.

I'm not sure if you're looking to match the session to your clan's or not but US training sessions usually take place on Wednesdays at 9 PM to avoid schedue clashes with other organised events.

From your original post I'm reading you can field 12 players. Training sessions have crews comprising of 3 players and 1 trainer per ship which would mean 4 ships.

Calico-Jack Nov 15, 2013 @ 1:25pm 
Hi Cheeseness

looks like you posted while I was writing my answer to Intok. Bear in mind that the trainers are all players who don't mind giving up some of their game time to help out new players.

What I can suggest is having your guys go to sessions in their timeslots- gmt-5/-6, gmt +1, gmt+9/+10 rather than try to pull something all-inclusive together. As it is I already sent out a call for trainers based on the info I had from Intok that you were all on gmt-6.

So what I need from your group is numbers of people in each tme zone, so we can make sure we have the trainers available to cover. Don't worry about being able to fill a match or not, lets get the logistics sorted first.

Last edited by Calico-Jack; Nov 15, 2013 @ 1:42pm
DMaximus Nov 15, 2013 @ 3:20pm 
Hey guys, I seem to have inherited coordinating US based training days since no one else with a more reliable schedule has stepped up. I try to run a training session every Wednesday at 8PM EST (1AM UTC+0) since that's when the previous organizers ran theirs. Of late, they've been fairly spotty due to course work and life. If you'd like to schedule something during 6PM-12PM EST (5AM-11AM UTC+0) weeknights or during the day on weekends feel free to contact me in-game or on steam and I can see what I can arrange.
SlyProphet May 22, 2014 @ 8:37pm 
Hi, I'm new to GOI, and all the comments were a tad out of date, so When is youre next US training session?
I'm in GMT US
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