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Shinpool Jul 6, 2015 @ 11:51pm
The Saboteur on Steam?
Any chance this game come out on Steam? I love this game, play it on my ps3. It'd be great if I can play it on Steam also.
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Showing 16-29 of 29 comments
I Love My Wife Dec 31, 2016 @ 6:51am 
I would love to see The Saboteur on steam as I have put hundreds of hours into it on my 360 and have completed it many times. I have come to face that it is not going to come out on steam as long as EA is a company. Simply because EA and valve don't mix, at all so if you have a 360, PS3 or buy it of Origin you can enjoy the game but is not coming to steam or at best not for a long time and if that happens it would mean,(a) valve brought EA or (b) EA brought valve and if it is (b) it would be s.h.i.t.e and Half Life would become COD and other games e.g Team Fortress 2 would not be updated so I suggest buy it on Origin or 360 / PS3 if you want the game but because PC master race get it of Origin EA online store. here is a link:
headholo Jul 12, 2018 @ 4:49pm 
gog version just got a hotfix:

Saboteur™, The
Internal Hotfix (11 July 2018)

[WIN] fixed game not starting on certain multi-core CPUs (credits to jackfuste)
[WIN] fixed settings not being saved in Russian version

Last edited by headholo; Jul 12, 2018 @ 4:54pm
MADWACZ Jul 12, 2018 @ 4:54pm 
Originally posted by headholo:
gog version just got a hotfix:

Saboteur™, The
Internal Hotfix (11 July 2018)

[WIN] fixed game not starting on certain multi-core CPUs (credits to jackfuste)
[WIN] fixed settings not being saved in Russian version

Hotfix 1 - gog-4 (22nd September 2016)

fixes issue with Video Settings not being saved in non-English versions
Why are you necro this thread?
headholo Jul 12, 2018 @ 4:55pm 
why are you and why do you care so much ?

Find something more productive to do with your short life.

unsubbed :)

Arise from the dead...
"There have been a few indications these past few months that EA will be returning to Steam.
Although it’s very unlikely that newer titles will be making their way to the storefront, it looks as if older releases like Dragon Age 2 and The Saboteur could be showing their faces."

About blinking time (if it happens).

Sabo. dev has occasionally popped up on the Saboteur Facebook modding group.
There's a Discord group too.
Hopefully we'll get some modding action again if/when it arrives on Steam.
Last edited by headholo; Oct 22, 2019 @ 8:54am
lastninjagamer Jan 31, 2020 @ 10:16am 
EA has on Steam older games like Jade Empire, Crysis, Mass Effect, Need for Speed Undercover, Spore, Dead Space but not The Saboteur. I would buy it if was here, but it would be even better if the achievements for the free play targets from the console versions were added to the PC version as Steam Achievements. It would motivate to finish the game completely instead of just the main story. Steam trading cards would be great too. :lunar2020thinkingtiger:
Incarnate Jan 31, 2020 @ 7:00pm 
Go to GOG. Thankfully you don't even need to waste your time going through EA.
lastninjagamer Feb 4, 2020 @ 1:27pm 
The GOG version does not seem to have the launcher to input the code for the knife after pressing F4, and the retail and origin version has that. There are no GOG Galaxy Achievements for this game also. :steamsad:
Mihai_89 Feb 4, 2020 @ 1:32pm 
Is it possible though in the future that EA games might come again to Steam ?

I mean Jedi Fallen Order is already on Steam. Would be nice if we had older games from EA available on Steam also. And i remember reading an article on the internet that EA will bring a lot of their games in 2020 to Steam but i don't know if they were only talking about new upcoming games or older ones also.
Myke Feb 4, 2020 @ 1:47pm 
I replayed it last year. The map is a lot smaller than I remember. They literally fit a large bit of North-Eastern France and a bit of Western Germany in a map that has to be smaller than Skyrim's.
lastninjagamer Feb 4, 2020 @ 6:15pm 
A few months ago appeared this video about the history of The Saboteur:
Other EA game that I would be interested in buying if was for sale here is Mercenaries 2, also from Pandemic, but The Saboteur is much better. The games from Pandemic Studios for sale on Steam are the 2 Full Spectrum Warrior games, the 2 Star Wars Battlefront games and the Army Men RTS. The first Mercenaries game was only for consoles, but a new Destroy All Humans! version might come out this year by THQ Nordic on Steam: :winter2019happydog:
Saboteur used to be on steam. The dev actually removed it.

That's been years ago so I don't think they're coming back.
lastninjagamer Feb 4, 2020 @ 7:25pm 
There is also no community page for it now, for older games that were removed like OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast, we can still see a community page like:, but for The Saboteur only the page:, shows that was there 7 years ago on 2013. If there was community content, it seems to be gone. :winter2019saddog:
Yandy Mar 9, 2024 @ 12:41am 
This thread was quite old before the recent post, so we're locking it to prevent confusion.
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All Discussions > Steam Forums > Off Topic > Topic Details
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2015 @ 11:51pm
Posts: 29