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Steam Level xp increases with achievements?
Does your steam level increase with achievements because I have gone from level 4 to 6 without getting any new badges. I did get some trading cards if that effects it.
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It's purely done by badges. Likely you gained levels because they recently added a badge that increases in XP depending on how many games you own.
Ah yes I just noticed a new badge which gave me 244xp for having 47 games. Thank you for the reply.
Whats the point of this trading card and badges to level steam. Is there really a point to it other than the need to hoard ever card ever made?
The only real advantage is that you get to (slightly) customize your profile page as for every 10 levels you earn, you get to add another showcase to your page. But each level takes progressively more XP to earn, so it takes more and more badges to keep leveling up.

The other perks (chat/forum emotes and profile page wallpaper) you get from crafting are sort of diluted when you can simply buy them directly from the Steam Market. However, in the end, somebody had to craft them in order to sell them.
I just sell my cards on the market to buy small dlc's with.
HE1RO eredeti hozzászólása:
Whats the point of this trading card and badges to level steam. Is there really a point to it other than the need to hoard ever card ever made?
To make Valve a decent sum of cash, since they get their cut of every Market transaction.

That said... achievements should never, ever be a part of anything "official" on your profile... or on the service as a whole. They're way too easy to hack. As a lover of achievements, the less incentive people have to do that the better.
Personally I wish achievements would give XP, nothing more than perhaps 5xp until perhaps they start valuing them (which they could just update everybody's profile with and redistribute with 5xp being minimum so no loss for anybody). I think it would encourage the whole XP thing, since many people love to grind for achievements anyway.

But it's all aesthetic really, which is why I'm selling my doubles for almost nothing and not really caring about the potential cash for DLC or something.

My only real complaint is that it's being used as a way to get people to increase their friend count. Being that I'm going to be getting into let's plays and have a small following already online, I'd like to be able to add people in large numbers so I can interact with those who enjoy what I do on a more personal level.

But it's a small gripe, the reality is that it's so far, very aesthetic and unimporant. Being that it's in beta, I think they'll open up a lot more in terms of what you can do, as time goes on. So, I'm looking positive, but I can easily see valve ruining it if they're not careful.

(I am aware XP in achievements would be a problem, but it's just a thought. Heck, up to 5 xp per achievement, so you'd still have to own a lot of games before it mattered.)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ^6moon; 2013. júl. 28., 1:33
Yeah, I just did the usual report. But thanks for pointing that out for people. :v
you can gain xp by crafting badges out of trading cards, but you arn't able to gain xp from achievments.
Maybe you bought some new games from the summer sale? Steam game collector badge gives xp depending on the amount of games owned. Each new game adds some exp even if the collector badge itself remained at the same level.
Was it Valve to be first in Steam or Apple in AppStore's Gamecenter to "invent" achievements?
Very smart move because many people want to have them all even really stupid ones :)
I think its stupid not to get exp from achievements, it could be just a little exp for each achiev but at least it was something.
Narbrelur eredeti hozzászólása:
I think its stupid not to get exp from achievements, it could be just a little exp for each achiev but at least it was something.

Until they can stop achievements from being 'cheated' - it won't happen. You can technically unlock every achievement for a game in one click of a mouse at the moment.
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Összes téma > Steam fórumok > Help and Tips > Téma részletei
Közzétéve: 2013. jún. 25., 13:43
Hozzászólások: 28