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Gold Digger Dec 25, 2014 @ 12:01am
What's a "Booster Pack"?
Title pretty much sums it up. Steam shop says I can turn in my gems and 3 cards for a booster pack. Is this like DLC or something?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Ineffable Anathema Dec 25, 2014 @ 12:06am 
It's a random pack of three cards associated with one game for which you are eligible to receive booster packs (you have gotten all of the drops possible in that game already.)
Astraea Kisaragi Dec 25, 2014 @ 12:29am 
There are now two ways to receive a booster pack. By each game supporting cards, except the ones gained by gaming, you are eligible for one booster pack, but which drops extremly rarely. (I still didn't got booster packs from many games owned since years) Being a higher level, increases the chance to get one.
And of course now there is the 100% sure way, to exchange gems for one.
Gold Digger Dec 25, 2014 @ 12:56am 
Originally posted by Astraea Kisaragi:
There are now two ways to receive a booster pack. By each game supporting cards, except the ones gained by gaming, you are eligible for one booster pack, but which drops extremly rarely. (I still didn't got booster packs from many games owned since years) Being a higher level, increases the chance to get one.
And of course now there is the 100% sure way, to exchange gems for one.

Do they actually do anything though?
Psycho Dec 25, 2014 @ 12:57am 
I have 3 CS GO cards, but 2 of them are the same. Does it mean that i cant craft it to GEMS ?
Astraea Kisaragi Dec 25, 2014 @ 1:07am 
Boosterpack has two options where you can go, either unpack it to get 3 cards or you sell if off on market. Of course you can sell the cards also after you unpacked.

You need ask yourself, what a "Steam life" you lead. I have a friend who doesn't cares about leveling, and sells everything - cards, booster pack off. The received money she puts into purchasing games on sales.
Or you can complete card sets and make a badge. You gain 100XP to level up, plus it will give you also 1 random emoticon and 1 random background. You can also sell those, keep for decoration of your profile or break down to gems.
Naturally it will require some money in order to purchase the missing cards from the set on the market. Or you can trade them for cards of similar value.
Astraea Kisaragi Dec 25, 2014 @ 1:11am 
Originally posted by Psycho:
I have 3 CS GO cards, but 2 of them are the same. Does it mean that i cant craft it to GEMS ?

Even cards can be broken down to gems, however is not worth at all, you gain very little gem ammount. You can purchase the missing cards from market, CS GO has one of the cheapest sets. Dont worry about that you have one twice, each badge has 5 levels, for which you will always need another full set.

CS GO badge is very worth to create, due each background and emoticon is of 100 gems value.
And you need only 5 cards per badge.
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Date Posted: Dec 25, 2014 @ 12:01am
Posts: 6