Revy Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:09am
Steam input per game setting
I've only now noticed that this was added on each game's properties in library. I've tried search for some information about, but not much to read.


Forced off or keep it on default? In my case default input says "(none)"

Which games i should probably change this settings for? And will there be any difference in games that you normaly use keyboard/mouse (like more fps for csgo)?

For which controllers this setting is basicaly for?

* I've never used big picture, i have no idea how things work there.

I've tried forced off on a game i usualy play with a 360 controller, haven't noticed any difference while still using my controller.
Last edited by Revy; Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:13am
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Tev Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:14am 
Originally posted by Revy:
Which games i should probably change this settings for? And will there be any difference in games that you normaly use keyboard/mouse (like more fps for csgo)?

Originally posted by Revy:
For which controllers this setting is basicaly for?
It's for the games where you use a controller and the configurator.
[Steam > Settings > Controllers > General Controller Settings]

For example, I might enable it for DualShock 4 v2 in Dark Souls 3, but I don't necessarily want it enabled in a game that utilizes DirectInput API natively as that could result in double input.

If you don't use the configurator in the first place, then whether it's enabled or disabled doesn't matter jack to you.
Last edited by Tev; Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:15am
Revy Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:21am 

So basicaly the configurator allows you to change the default keys for games that usualy come with fixed controller buttons.
And with this option you choose whether your want custom keys to work with a specific game or not?

Is this moreless what it is?
Last edited by Revy; Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:22am
Tev Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:40am 
More or less that's what it is, yup.

It's also for emulating xinput for controllers that use dinput for example.
Flash Nov 25, 2018 @ 11:49am 
Thanks for clarification. I've now decided that I probably want it [Forced off] for Dark Souls Remastered, while having my global setting set to [on].
msadkins1663 Feb 1, 2021 @ 11:57am 
Where is it that you can turn this on or off?
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Date Posted: Nov 10, 2018 @ 8:09am
Posts: 5