Hidden Deep

Hidden Deep

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Cogwheel Software  [developer] Jan 16, 2023 @ 2:03pm
Optimization tips
Generally, the game is not very demanding and should work fine on any PC less than 10 years old but if there are fps drops, here are a few tips:

Change Directx version to 9
Although Directx 11 is newer and generally better, Directx 9 works a bit faster than 11, especially on older machines

1. Open this file using notepad:
C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Daedalic Entertainment GmbH\Hidden Deep\config.dat
2. If there is Directx=11, change it to Directx=9
3. Save changes
4. Run the game

Lower screen resolution
1. Run the game and go to Settings->Graphics
2. Set the lower screen resolution
3. Restart the game

Set game brightness to 0
1. Run the game and go to Settings->Graphics
2. Set Brightness to 0 so it will prevent the rendering engine to run additional brightening pass
Last edited by Cogwheel Software; Jan 17, 2023 @ 1:25pm