The Tiny Bang Story

The Tiny Bang Story

Why no skip buttons???
Is there a secret oath among developers not to bother with skip buttons, no matter how much some puzzles might be too frustration?

Newsflash: We buy games to relax, to enjoy, to feel good.

If we are annoyed and frustrated, we do not relax,we do not enjoy, we do not feel good.
In the middle of a quarantine the last thing we need to be annoyed and frustrated furhter.

I got in the boat puzzle. It annoys and frustrates me. If I want to be annoyed and frustrated I will turn on the news.

I am going to disinstall it.
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So your definition of courage is to put up with an annoying game because it shows how tough you are? Have you tried to show that virtue in real life?
chloe 11.4.2020 klo 13.57 
I agree with you apena. I never finished the game because there was a puzzle I just couldn't complete. I have created a category called "some puzzles unsolvable for me" and that's where this game rests now never to be played again. I doubt I will buy another game from this developer for fear of the same thing happening again.
Yes, it is incredibly annoying. You pay money to be entertained, and have a good time. If you are instead annoyed and frustrated then you wasted your money. I think that developers need to upgrade their social skills and NOT irritate their customers.
git gud
Just google how to do it. It's very easy. Great game.
I can see how to do it. The problem is that I cannot keep my hand steady enough. Forgive me for not being fully able bodied. I guess that only those with steady pulses can play it. HOw about putting a waring like "If you cannot keep your hand steady for more than 10 seconds do not waste your money here"
If you find the game frustrating you can simply skip playing it. You don't really need a button for that.
Yes, but I wasted my time and money on it, and I would like to have Steam put out a warning NO SKIP BUTTONS so I only buy games that do not frustrate me.
apena9621 lähetti viestin:
I got in the boat puzzle. It annoys and frustrates me. If I want to be annoyed and frustrated I will turn on the news.

If you're still interested in getting through the game, you could use a memory editor such as "cheat engine" which come with a speed hack tool. Just turn it on, and set the speed to 0.5 and enjoy having twice as much time to move the boat.
Very clever approach. But is this sort of thing accessible to those of us who don't "debug" programs? It looks as if you have to have played with programs like this to understand how you would put it to use.
There's just no need for a point and click game to have speed trials. There are tons of games out there where you drive a boat fast and avoid obstacles. We buy point and click games because we either cannot or don't want to play the other kind. At the very least a skip button will allow people bought what they thought was a puzzle game to go on and do the puzzles and see the rest of the game. Not everybody has perfectly functioning hands. Not everybody wants to play arcade games.
apena9621 lähetti viestin:
So your definition of courage is to put up with an annoying game because it shows how tough you are? Have you tried to show that virtue in real life?
While they show off and brag on the internet, in real life these 'courageous hardcore gamers' keep quiet, cannot lift an object heavier than their own bodyweight and catch their breath after taking stairs.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Mead Champion; 19.2.2021 klo 8.34
This game sits in my app library, tormenting me. I have one last puzzle to solve and it's especially frustrating because I solved the game once before and now I can't remember the solution! This has ruined my trust in "relaxing" games :steamsad:
I'm with the op...these arcade style games are merely frustrating and that the developers made them key to going forward in the game is such a shame. More money wasted on what was a really enjoyable game.
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