Good Company
nobody Jul 13, 2020 @ 8:02am
Conveyor should be independent from Work Zone Logistics
So I think I've finally got a hang of the conveyor system by manual connections. The biggest issue in this process is that, the player cannot manually set which items the conveyor system can accept without setting the WHOLE work zone in manual logistics mode.

So my suggestion is, since the automatic logistics work well for work zones without conveyors, then just keep the conveyor out of a logistics zone, i.e. give players the ability to manually set what conveyor system should transfer without the need of making the whole work zone manual.

Manual conveyor setup with automatic logistics should work much better than what is going on right now...
Last edited by nobody; Jul 13, 2020 @ 8:04am
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by nobody:
So I think I've finally got a hang of the conveyor system by manual connections. The biggest issue in this process is that, the player cannot manually set which items the conveyor system can accept without setting the WHOLE work zone in manual logistics mode.

So my suggestion is, since the automatic logistics work well for work zones without conveyors, then just keep the conveyor out of a logistics zone, i.e. give players the ability to manually set what conveyor system should transfer without the need of making the whole work zone manual.

Manual conveyor setup with automatic logistics should work much better than what is going on right now...

We are working on offering solutions, but sadly it's not that simple. One solution would require to make save games incompatible with prior version as we would have to rework of how data on belts is structured.
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A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Mara  [developer] Jul 14, 2020 @ 12:55am 
Originally posted by nobody:
So I think I've finally got a hang of the conveyor system by manual connections. The biggest issue in this process is that, the player cannot manually set which items the conveyor system can accept without setting the WHOLE work zone in manual logistics mode.

So my suggestion is, since the automatic logistics work well for work zones without conveyors, then just keep the conveyor out of a logistics zone, i.e. give players the ability to manually set what conveyor system should transfer without the need of making the whole work zone manual.

Manual conveyor setup with automatic logistics should work much better than what is going on right now...

We are working on offering solutions, but sadly it's not that simple. One solution would require to make save games incompatible with prior version as we would have to rework of how data on belts is structured.
nobody Jul 14, 2020 @ 7:11am 
Originally posted by Aayph:
Originally posted by nobody:
So I think I've finally got a hang of the conveyor system by manual connections. The biggest issue in this process is that, the player cannot manually set which items the conveyor system can accept without setting the WHOLE work zone in manual logistics mode.

So my suggestion is, since the automatic logistics work well for work zones without conveyors, then just keep the conveyor out of a logistics zone, i.e. give players the ability to manually set what conveyor system should transfer without the need of making the whole work zone manual.

Manual conveyor setup with automatic logistics should work much better than what is going on right now...

We are working on offering solutions, but sadly it's not that simple. One solution would require to make save games incompatible with prior version as we would have to rework of how data on belts is structured.

Thank you dev for looking into this issue... I dont think resetting the saved games is a big issue (that's what EA is for), especially if we can keep the campaign progress, i.e. reset the current level but keep where the player is at for the campaign.
Mara  [developer] Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:31pm 
Thanks for the understanding.
We will seek that this is one of the points to be taken care of within the next weeks.
But I can't promise an ETA on this as we are currently analyzing several higher priority items to be taken care of.
At least an improvement if not a final solution.
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Date Posted: Jul 13, 2020 @ 8:02am
Posts: 3