Alaskan Road Truckers

Alaskan Road Truckers

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karl_biker Nov 17, 2023 @ 2:23pm
when i just driven 1k miles i was there but nothing in site no building no where to drop trailer off and am like what is the point in showing theres a mission but cant even finsh the mission plus gets boring when u can only hit 50mph also when ur cab rocks for a broken spring u cant even fix it at first thought was a puncher i had to call the shop to pick me up spring broken no oil in engine as sump cracked yet i still drove it 300 miles like in the real would that never happen so when the next update going to be for the missions as i feel am wasting time playing as for 18 quid i say more like a fiver at best just cause its un playable like finshing mission u cant even finsh
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
redgreen999 Nov 17, 2023 @ 10:43pm 
Yea its really early access. Just open it up to modders and let them balance it I say.
Sven777b Nov 18, 2023 @ 5:08am 
make sure the click at the "common route" button on the map - to recalculate the navigation. Sometimes the navigation is loosing its target and routing you to the wrong spot.
I´ve done far more than 100 missions so far and never had a single mission that can´t be completed.
karl_biker Nov 19, 2023 @ 9:08am 
am just going on it again now did 1 mission that was 1k miles and thought i do a 10k mission to end of the map with nothing there thought was a blocked road so i went though the trees and still nothing there so guess that mission was a waste of time
Juan Ramos Nov 19, 2023 @ 11:01am 
Originally posted by Sven777b:
make sure the click at the "common route" button on the map - to recalculate the navigation. Sometimes the navigation is loosing its target and routing you to the wrong spot.
I´ve done far more than 100 missions so far and never had a single mission that can´t be completed.

Just like he said, go to the map and click on set route, because sometimes you might be on a mission and goto map and click to drag map, but actually what you’re doing is setting a new route. Then you get there but nothing to be found. Here’s an example I’m on a 1300+ km mission but half way I want to stop at the gas station and get gas and stuff. Once I click on the gas station that’s my new route, you’ll see that if you had it on you intended route it’s now changed to what you selected. That’s why if you’re not stopping pay attention to clicking on map, you’re basically are resetting the route. A good rule of thumb is to remember if you set it to let’s say a point of interest on the way, not forget to go back to jobs and click set route to your mission destination. Always make sure your navigation is to where you plan on going to in jobs.
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Date Posted: Nov 17, 2023 @ 2:23pm
Posts: 4