Garden Paws

Garden Paws

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Quilpy Sep 10, 2019 @ 7:33am
Small fish and forest habitats?
So im in winter of the first year, and I have discovered an arctic fox (OMG CUTE)
I have one day left to finish taming him and he needs small fish. Easy right? I had some lying around and decided I would tame the deer next to him as well with tall grass. I bought the blueprint to make the forest habitats and was MORTIFIED to discover that you need 10 small fish to BUILD the forest habitat. Is there any other way to get small fish? Im desperately grinding to get enough small fish in time to get the fox but it just dawned on me that the forest habitat might only house just one animal. Does it hold three like the cat/rabbit habitats or am I just gonna have to give up on the deer for now?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Moxie Sep 10, 2019 @ 8:05am 
Have you unlocked the shop on the pier yet? That shop keeper sells fish :steamhappy:
Quilpy Sep 10, 2019 @ 8:51am 
I unlocked the fisherman, but every day since the hes only been selling the regular fish, not small fish :(
Wintrybumblebee Sep 11, 2019 @ 7:57am 
Have you helped the fisherman make his own pier next to Captain Conrad's Pier? That is when he sells a variety of fish. The Forest habitat can hold up to four animals at a time.
Wintrybumblebee Sep 11, 2019 @ 8:46am 
You can also get fish by using a fishing rod and fishing traps.
Last edited by Wintrybumblebee; Sep 11, 2019 @ 8:48am
Mythophile Sep 23, 2019 @ 4:59pm 
Small fish aren't too hard to catch, just fish around the stone bridge.
Gabumon Sep 27, 2019 @ 9:46am 
I know this is late but, like others have said, the fisherman quest will eventually sell small and regular fish. You can also get fish from fishing but it can take a bit so deviating enough time to feed your fox is priority since once winter ends, regardless of how far tamed it is the arctic fox will vanish.

For the future I'd suggest getting at least several foxes ASAP since unlike cats who may or may not give a fish or fur rarely, foxes pretty much give fish daily. Small - Very likely, Regular - unlikely, Angelfish and Gold Fish - Rare.

Also building some flooring and making an quick access across the water to the foxes is highly recommended since it'll save you at least an hour of traversing as well as placing a habitat right by the spawn area to tame/move them to your home rather then trying to navigate all that way and hope they don't get stuck on a random piece of dirt or a corner.
Griffle Sep 28, 2019 @ 4:23am 
I recommend that you feed as many animals as you can in one area. It doesn’t matter how many animals can fit in a habitat. Just build one habitat near them, feed them, guide them in, then make space for the next animal by putting the animal into your inventory when the habitat is full. The artic fox will be in that same space next year if you don’t manage to get him, and there are more red foxes on the hill next to him. Foxes and bears are handy for fish... deer are pretty but don’t help you in any way.
Charmd Jul 26, 2020 @ 3:06pm 
Originally posted by Mythophile:
Small fish aren't too hard to catch, just fish around the stone bridge.
Which stone bridge? The one leading to Mr Mooney's farm?
BLÀde Jul 28, 2020 @ 6:15am 
the deeper and darker the water the more often you will get a bite. don't waste time fishing near the shore best place is in middle of the ocean using bridges you build using wooden supports. count to 3 if you don't get a bite pull back and recast.
Last edited by BLÀde; Jul 28, 2020 @ 6:30am
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Date Posted: Sep 10, 2019 @ 7:33am
Posts: 9