Photonic Distress

Photonic Distress

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GRIP420  [developer] Jul 26, 2018 @ 5:49am
[CHANGELOG] Updates and changes
January 30, 2019
- Fixed Mouse Invert not working
- You can now bind the 3 shooting modes to any other button
- Fixing hard-coded wakeup room minigame shooting input, it will shoot on same keys as the Photon gun
- A few new procedural tiles and fixes to existing ones
- Added V-Sync option
- Added FPS limiter, adjustable between 30 and 240 fps
- Repositioned NPC in Temple 02

November 6, 2018
Based on community and streamer feedback the following changes have been made
- When talking to tutorial characters, you now need to press Interact (Default E) to go to the next page. This eliminates discomfort for fast readers and lets players dictate the rate at which the text changes.
- Fixed inconsistent Photon spawn location when shooting (especially when looking down)
- Added "Duck Jump" step to tutorial, since many players didnt figure out that it provides an advantage and some tiles can only be traversed using the "Duck Jump" technique
- Air control! More players expressed the desire to have some degress of control while airborne (jumping). Air control ratio is now set at 0.4 of regular walkspeed while in air. No more narrowly missed jumps! You can adjust enroute.
- Updated some tutorial texts
- Photons scaled down by 20%
- Pickup Location fixed for a couple of scaffholdings
- Fixed a trap that could be bypassed by walking around it on specific tiles
- Photon generater stops charging the gun after it already has 10k Photons. Vocal notification when this happens. ("Maximum Photons collected")
- Photon generation amount in Green Room is now different based on difficulty:
Easy 500 per collection
Medium 300 per collection
Hard 200 per collection
Impossible 100 per collection
Each collection still adds 10 seconds to your overall time
- Collision fixes on moving plattforms
- Collision adjust on a couple of jump locations
- Replaced the "wallhack" flower/twig that showed up in darkness.
August 1, 2018
Pre-release update 2
- Multiple polish fixes, meshes, collision, skinweights
- Mouse sensitivity bugfix
- Fixed behavior of wakeup room minigame
- Spelling and grammar fixes
July 26, 2018
Pre-release update
Thanks to all testers, curators and friends who helped with hunting down bugs and fixing them
- Character Skinweights Fix
- Collision Fixed on several meshes
- Walkspeed is now twice as fast (thx luckz)
- Adjusted walking animation timing to fit the new walkspeed
- Main Menu mono sound ambience fix
- PhotonGenerator mesh fix
- Pink room update fix
- Updated fonts on notification display in main room
- Fixed bugs caused by small radius corners (overlaps, etc)
- Fragments floats higher now (thanks luckz)
- Fixed sounds playing when master sound was 0
- Status (T by default) now shows FTL (Fragments This Level) in collected/total (e.g. 1/2) format (thanks luckz)
- New tiles + pickup location and general setup fixes
- Updated multiple text spelling and grammar errors (thx luckz)
- Backpack model Fix
- Cleanup tiles for inconsistencies
- Push animation polished (Game Intro) (thx luckz)
- Bot walk speed updated
- Default graphics settings updated (now borderless window and 1440x900 when switched to windowed) (thx luckz)
- Steam overlay fix (thanks Romano)
- Ingame menu brought you to old Menu screen - now fixed (thanks Romano)
- Physics Actor causes Player Rotate polished (thx luckz)
- Tutorial characters have their speech segments numbered (e.g. 1/3) for clarity (thx luckz)
- Updated the final tutorial character text, now clearly stating that the fragment next to him is a trainer hologram and not the real thing (thx luckz)
Last edited by GRIP420; Jan 30, 2019 @ 11:11am