Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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ZANEz1 Oct 3, 2023 @ 12:46pm
Premier Mode CS2 Rating-System Broken / Elo Missing Wins/Points.
It's become apparent that your game is encountering some issues with the ratings in Premier Mode, and it's likely affecting other modes as well.

I managed to win 10 out of 16 games for my ranking. After the final release of CS2, I found myself ranked at 1,200 ELO, which felt quite odd. Nevertheless, I decided to continue playing, thinking, "Why not?" and tried to climb back to the top. Today, I played a few matches and reached around 3,800 ELO. However, after being away for a few hours and logging back into CS2, I was shocked to see that my points had suddenly dropped to 2,700.

It appears to me that there might be an issue with the game's database or database connections, where some of my wins (and other people, that are experiencing the same [see links down below] aren't being properly recorded in the database.

Just for reference, my ranking during the beta phase was approximately 14,800, and in CS:GO, when I played actively, I achieved the rank of Global (my last rank when I started playing again this year short before CS2 release, was probably LEM). I consistently maintain an average damage per round (ADR) of around 120-130, secure good kills, and often top the leaderboard for my team.

It's worth noting that I'm not the only one facing this problem; other players seem to be experiencing similar issues:
Last edited by ZANEz1; Oct 3, 2023 @ 12:49pm
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Showing 1-15 of 41 comments
Barmarjera Oct 3, 2023 @ 12:49pm 
It's a broken piece of ♥♥♥♥ that's impossible to play
ZANEz1 Oct 3, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
Originally posted by Barmarjera (Dz'ik):
It's a broken piece of ♥♥♥♥ that's impossible to play
It's unbelievable that GAME BREAKING BUGS like these bugs exist when transitioning to the fully live version and discontinuing CS:GO. This is genuinely detrimental to the Ranked mode experience for many players. I even sympathize with my opponents because this disrupts the ranking system and forces people to face opponents with inaccurate skill ratings, who are likely much more skilled than their current ranking suggests. Resulting in a very bad Game experience.
Last edited by ZANEz1; Oct 3, 2023 @ 12:53pm
Peuggéolle Oct 3, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
missing points and games is caused because there were cheater in your team, so the game was cancelled, either you played with same cheater multiple times, or you queued with a lot of them.
ZANEz1 Oct 3, 2023 @ 1:00pm 
Originally posted by Я ОреоКитвиз™:
missing points and games is caused because there were cheater in your team, so the game was cancelled, either you played with same cheater multiple times, or you queued with a lot of them.

No, I didn't team up with any cheaters. I've checked my last 10 matches, and there are no bans for any of the players on my team. This might account for the missing points (if it would've had been the case), but it doesn't explain everything else. But what also speaks against this: The amount / numbers of WINS shown is still the same as it was before the Points were suddenly gone. Just the Points are missing. Which speaks for DATABASE ERRORS. My account doesn't display my win percentage either, even though I have 26 wins. Additionally, I don't appear on my friends' lists not with points not with WiN %.

Remember: Other People are experiencing the same thing.
Last edited by ZANEz1; Oct 3, 2023 @ 1:01pm
pr0fessor Oct 6, 2023 @ 2:39am 
I can't explain the missing ELO but the low rating after winning 10 matches seem broken. There must be something wrong with the rating system.
Drax Oct 6, 2023 @ 3:57am 
As said before, the elo rating system is awful.

Individual performance isn't considered in the slightest. Doesn't matter if you plant every bomb, clutch every won round, you're not getting any more elo than the game said you would at the start of the match. One game I went 13:0, in 9 rounds i hadn't even lost a single point of health. I got 100 elo... No wonder people have such complaints with Premier skill disparity because it takes you a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ year to rank up and it's very easy to purposefully derank to smurf.

You're matched against people of far more random elo. Sometimes they are half your rank, sometimes they are twice it. You still lose and gain the same amount of elo regardless.

Loss/gain is dictated more from your recent win rate than anything else. Had a couple of bad games where I had some god awful teammates who didn't make any calls, changed positions every round, and were generally lost/confused while playing and that led to me now losing 400 elo on a loss, and getting 100 on a win.

All of these problems have been voiced since launch but good ol' Valve decided the game was ready to ship because... we have 10% of the features we used to have and 10x more bugs and problems. Wouldn't want the next major to be on CSGO though so stfu and deal with it.
Last edited by Drax; Oct 6, 2023 @ 3:59am
zEx-M- Oct 6, 2023 @ 4:09am 
Elo System is broken, you get for a kick or game crash -1000 elo points for nothing. YOu get a low rating like a silver elite but on CSGO you play on supreme and global. Even on faceit level 7 you get silvers who play like gods on MM because on everygame you have 1-2 cheaters. The dont have ban waves the dont care hell the dont even give some news about all the big problems and what the try to do against this.
Valve is dead and CS to, mark my words when the dont have allready some hardcore secret anti cheat no one plays this game anymore in 2 years.
Ric Oct 6, 2023 @ 5:10pm 
I Experience the same issue as you do. Cant see win/loss % i know i won more than i lost during placement with positive kd most of the games. I got 1600 elo for some weird reason so I feel your frustration on this one. Going from supreme/global to this bs is rough! Really hope they will fix this.
Pixel Cat PH Oct 9, 2023 @ 7:00am 
my rating is 4,667, after winning the match, i was shocked that instead of increasing my points by +214, they negated it -211, and my CS rating become 3,644. What happened???
peon Oct 9, 2023 @ 7:07am 
Im not even touching premier after ranking in at silver 1 on dust2 at 9 wins.

Something is borked, I think were getting a peek behind the curtain.
Funkenッ Oct 9, 2023 @ 7:09am 
The game is having major issues atm
Drax Oct 9, 2023 @ 7:33am 
65% winrate, top ADR in about 90% of my games and my elo has gone down since I first got it... Every win gives me about 100 elo, every loss around -250 to -450.
3lacksox Oct 9, 2023 @ 8:57pm 
Originally posted by Drax:
65% winrate, top ADR in about 90% of my games and my elo has gone down since I first got it... Every win gives me about 100 elo, every loss around -250 to -450.
Ya that's same for me all my friends win or lose the same about 100 but for me the most i win is 100 and lose 420 everytime doesnt matter if opponents are higher or lower ranks. Seem impossible to rank up unless you have a 80% win rate. Doesn't make sense to me
Lewy Oct 10, 2023 @ 6:57am 
Originally posted by Drax:
65% winrate, top ADR in about 90% of my games and my elo has gone down since I first got it... Every win gives me about 100 elo, every loss around -250 to -450.
Skippy Oct 10, 2023 @ 6:59am 
Same picture is nt shamer toshes
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Date Posted: Oct 3, 2023 @ 12:46pm
Posts: 41