Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Why is the AWP so skilless?
Why is there a gun like the AWP in a game that is otherwise so skill-oriented? Save sniper rifles and two assault rifles, all guns in the game are fired without the aid of ADS or any sort of zoom capability.

Pistols are cheap and precise, but are limited by low DPB and low RoF.
SMGs are cheap and have high RoF, but are also lacking in DPB.
Rifles are high DPB and have good RoF, but are limited by recoil.

Sniper Rifles have high DPB and have the advantage of long-range zoom-in crosshairs. Not only that, but they have the added benefit of not suffering any scope-sway, which has been an established method of curtailing snipers' capabilities and keeping the skill-curve for effectively using sniper rifles (at least at a distance) from being too easy. The Scout isn't overpowered because despite the ease with which the user can aim, it is only going to kill in one shot if it is a headshot, and it is bolt-action, which cuts down on the RoF. Despite the auto-snipers not really having any RoF restriction, you are still able to make an escape after taking a shot to anywhere but the head.

However, the AWP doesn't really suffer from the bolt-action RoF because of its one-shot capability. This is especially lethal because of the AWPs ability to have a huge range advantage with its zoom, which is even more powerful due to the lack of any sort of scope sway.

Now, people are going to say that it's not that big of a deal because you can just use smokes and flashes. What if you don't have any? What if you used them? What if you're saving them for the next corner? Those and other reasons aside, is it not ridiculous how there is one gun in the game that by far beats all other guns in most scenarios? How is it fair that people who practice their aim with pistols and rifles for hours and really try to learn how to play the game with skill and precision can have their efforts made meaningless by others who just use the gun that requires little aiming practice and kills almost invariably in one shot?

I'm not saying that the AWP requires *no* skill, I'm just saying it requires so much less skill than most any other gun to be used effectively by some average player. Sure it has a hefty price and yields only 33% kill reward, but it makes winning rounds so easy that it quickly pays for itself. It does not have enough risks to limit its reward, and when people spam it, the game becomes a lot less enjoyable to those who actually try to respect the game by learning its unique aiming quirks, techiniques, and fundamentals.

There is much to be admired by those who take time to practice aiming and using spray patterns effectively. It is just also very surprising and regrettable that something as easy and overwhelmingly powerful as the AWP exists in the same game.

It is not worthy of Counter-Strike in its current form.
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Showing 1-15 of 325 comments
Demi-Fiend from Shin (Banned) Apr 2, 2016 @ 2:26pm 
because every shooting game NEEDS a sniper that one shot people. and the awp is perfect for that
Link Sky Apr 2, 2016 @ 2:30pm 
The AWP, like any gun, is only good in the right hands. You hand an AWP to some kid who only runs and sprays with the P90, and I guarantee that they will be the weakest member of the team.
Jim, of Rohan Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:36pm 
Originally posted by Smal:
because every shooting game NEEDS a sniper that one shot people. and the awp is perfect for that
No game "needs" some all-powerful aspect that is nothing but a detriment to those who actually practice the game's core mechanics. The AWP needs to have some other limitation besides flashbangs, smoke, and bolt-action because as of now, it is a gun that is far too easy to win duels with. It needs some sort of deeper technical skill than just "lase downrange, wait, fire, one-shot kill."
Milk. Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:39pm 

Originally posted by BOT (Link Skywalker):
The AWP, like any gun, is only good in the right hands. You hand an AWP to some kid who only runs and sprays with the P90, and I guarantee that they will be the weakest member of the team.

The fact that you can give the awp to a kid with no actual skill and still have him be a threat is the problem, because that DOES happen. That is why this is a problem. It's not just good in the "right hands" it's good any hands. It's cheap, and easy. Lacks any sort of balance or repercussions. It's just easy, and practically a game winning tool, in the right circumstance.
El_Hood Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:41pm 
KennyS, Guardian, Fallen, JW = skillless.
Psyk0pathik Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:41pm 
Good in any hands lol
𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙤 Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:41pm 
Originally posted by El_Hood:
KennyS, Guardian, Fallen, JW = skillless.

ุDeaglett Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:41pm 
If the things you said were true, pro teams would use nothing but AWPs. The thing with the AWP is it only really wins when you are good at aiming, and there is only 1 opponent, multiple opponents, and you get traded for your kill.
Most people that complain about the AWP are coming from less experience, as they can't properly take advantage of the CONS of the AWP, such as the bolt, slow move speed while aimed in, limited sight when scoped, and close quarters engagements...
Jim, of Rohan Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:42pm 
Originally posted by BOT (Link Skywalker):
The AWP, like any gun, is only good in the right hands. You hand an AWP to some kid who only runs and sprays with the P90, and I guarantee that they will be the weakest member of the team.
Yeah, but the fact of the matter is that the AWP is an easy gun to find the right hands for. There is not much to being good with the AWP. Generally, you camp a spot and wait for someone to turn a corner and kill them before they have time to react. It can zoom, it doesn't have any recoil-related limitation, and you are lucky to survive a single shot from it. It doesn't have enough restrictions or risks or mechanics to really fit in with the general feel or Counter-Strike. No other gun kills as consistently or easily as the AWP.
.SaliNaas^ Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:43pm 
just watch the major and see how they counter awps with grenades, obviously if you face and awp in mid an just rely on your fast reactions you may get mad, but there are many ways to counter them.
ุDeaglett Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:45pm 
"No other gun kills as consistently or easily as the AWP."

This is simply not true for higher ranks, as nearly any engagement outside of quite long range duels are won by the m4 and AK, hell, even smgs beat awp in close quarters because of the run n gun approach.
backshot demon Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:45pm 
The AWP actually requires a lot of skill. It's not easy for the player as in close range combat, depending on his skill level, he would usually die. And because it doesn't have a cross hair that makes it so that players who don't really know how to no scope force them to scope again putting them at a disadvantage. Plus, people do train with AWPs. Look at how many maps there are designed to train your AWPing. If you dont have armor, then you are basically a walking tank with no shell. The AWP is actually quite balanced. (Unless you are Kennys XD)
Jim, of Rohan Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:51pm 
Originally posted by El_Hood:
KennyS, Guardian, Fallen, JW = skillless.
I'm not saying that the AWP can't have some higher skill level; I am saying that it takes considerably less effort for some average player to effectively use an AWP than, say, an AK or an M4 or even pistols and SMGs. The problem with this is that in general, low-mid-level solo queue, where there isn't a huge concentration of general coordination or individual skill, the AWP can reign hell over plenty of players who aren't well-versed in AWP counterplay or have the coordination to team-up against an AWP.

Also, since you're bringing up pro play, I have to say that when I see AWPs in the pro circuit, it is kind of a let down. They can easily shut people down and single-handedly do what would be very difficult for players to do with any other gun. Even at the pro-level, even with flashes and smokes and whatever, AWPs can still deliver a hefty amount of reward and firepower not easily surmounted.
Jim, of Rohan Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:57pm 
Originally posted by CerealKillah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:
The AWP actually requires a lot of skill. It's not easy for the player as in close range combat, depending on his skill level, he would usually die. And because it doesn't have a cross hair that makes it so that players who don't really know how to no scope force them to scope again putting them at a disadvantage. Plus, people do train with AWPs. Look at how many maps there are designed to train your AWPing. If you dont have armor, then you are basically a walking tank with no shell. The AWP is actually quite balanced. (Unless you are Kennys XD)
Well obviously it is going to be difficult to use in close range; it is a sniper rifle. It is intended for long range; in particular, ambushes. You aren't supposed to have it out when you're running around tight corners. That is why AWPers are usually found way downrange, where they can easily see you, but you need a second to look for them. And in that time you're looking for them they can easily kill you without having to worry about a counter-attack. At the very least, they will most likely get the first shot, and that is all they need to get at least one FREE kill.

In most scenarios in which AWPs are involved, the AWPer has a distinct advantage, and the counterplay is difficult as ♥♥♥♥ to perform. That inbalance is the thing that bothers me.
Milk. Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:58pm 
There is a difference between professional play and any other play.
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Date Posted: Apr 2, 2016 @ 2:24pm
Posts: 325