The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Loading screen wtf! please help!!
So i can launch skyrim perfectly fine but whenever i continue or load a saved game if i enter a building or a town or cave or somethin,(basically whenever i get into a loadscreen) it doesnt load it just stays on the loadscreen for a long time then freezes so i have to restart my pc. I only can load to a game then any other loadscreen ♥♥♥♥♥ it up. Any ideas?
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Deinstall the Game and install it, it worked for me ;)
You mean "reinstall"? (Yes, I'd recommend that, but also check if your processor is fast enough. A processor that's too slow for this game might be what's causing the loading crash)
Yea my processor is fast enough its a new problem that just occured 2 days ago
Hello everyone, if youy are having problems with loadscreeen like entering a place or fas travel there is a simple way to fix it and hope it works for you: all you have to do is load your game, pause it, go to settigns, gameplay and turn off every autosave, like: save when traveling, resting, autosave time, from now on you need to manually save your game, i guess this happens because aoutosave in games are a huge problem because they affect peformance and also make savefiles bigger and bigger, so from now be sure tyo manually save.
Hope it works.
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. aug. 15., 3:32
Hozzászólások: 4