The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Attacked at Dragonsreach! what did i do to tick them off?
I did some ernest enchanting, sold some to jewelry to the court mage, then went adventuring. when i returned to enchant another ring, I was attacked by the Jarl and his court. i offered no resistance, and was killed, on the respawn, I drew wEApon, then shealthed, waswas killed. 3 respawn, I left Dragonreach and approacched a guard. I was not accosted as a criminal, but when I tried to go to the enchanting table, I was again attacked by the jarl's bodyguard, joined by house guards, and slaughtered. general stats show no murders on my part. i haven't swiped anything there either. How did i piss them off?
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I think I had same issue.. try commiting a crime, like pickpocket someone, go to jail, and I think that may fix the issue.

Also, I use Calm spell on them, so they wont attack and will just talk, and a guard will stop attacking and give you the choice when you speak to them for being wanted.
I had same problem once. The only way I fixed it was start a new game. I was in Riverwood at the smithy. When I got done there and left the smithing area , the whole village attacked me. I didn't commit any crimes. (no stealing, no killing chickens, or chasing after someones's spouse.)
Sometimes this can happen if you shout by accident. Then the locals will view this as an attack and respond accordingly.
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Posté le 12 avr. 2014 à 21h41
Messages : 3