Vigil: The Longest Night

Vigil: The Longest Night

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l-xXx-l Jul 27, 2023 @ 10:32am
why delisted
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Showing 1-15 of 102 comments
shinei Jul 27, 2023 @ 10:36am 
Good question. What happened to it? :steamsad:
MIRO 𒌐 Jul 27, 2023 @ 10:37am 
i just noticed as well, why is this game gone from steam?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) Jul 27, 2023 @ 10:59am 
According to steamdb it was removed about 40 minutes ago... I hope it's temporary.
Karoll Jul 27, 2023 @ 11:48am 
Sounds like an end of partnership between the dev and publisher? Correct me if I am wrong, please.
wasabi™ Jul 27, 2023 @ 12:49pm 
Originally posted by Karoll:
Sounds like an end of partnership between the dev and publisher? Correct me if I am wrong, please.

Yeah that could very well be the case, similar to Bungie leaving Acitivision and doing their own thing. I'm hoping that worst case that it turns out to be that since the devs might be able to then find a way to relist the game on Steam.

It only just happened, we will get an update from them soon (I hope).
UN0W3N Jul 27, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
And no announcement or final sale? It's still being sold on Epic Games Store at the time of this writing. Not that it matters for that price anyway.
Last edited by UN0W3N; Jul 27, 2023 @ 12:58pm
Low_On_Funds Jul 27, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
honestly man if they took it off steam and its on epic just buy it on epic cause at the end of the day its just another launcher to purchase games on anyway.........
arsenicBumpnip Jul 27, 2023 @ 3:23pm 
Just two days ago another game named Vigil (Vigil: Blood Bitterness) -also- got removed, so if I had to place bets on any specific reason, it'd be some outside company who has their own product named "Vigil" getting over-reachy with inappropriate DMCA claims.

IIRC Valve's policy for DMCAs is to immediately remove the games in question, then reinstate them later if the claim turns out to be bogus/invalid, so hopefully that's what happens here.
wasabi™ Jul 27, 2023 @ 3:24pm 
Originally posted by arsenicBumpnip:
Just two days ago another game named Vigil (Vigil: Blood Bitterness) -also- got removed, so if I had to place bets on any specific reason, it'd be some outside company who has their own product named "Vigil" getting over-reachy with inappropriate DMCA claims.

IIRC Valve's policy for DMCAs is to immediately remove the games in question, then reinstate them later if the claim turns out to be bogus/invalid, so hopefully that's what happens here.

2 days ago? Vigil: Blood Bitterness was delisted years ago.
Last edited by wasabi™; Jul 27, 2023 @ 3:25pm
arsenicBumpnip Jul 27, 2023 @ 3:28pm 
Originally posted by wasabi:
Originally posted by arsenicBumpnip:
Just two days ago another game named Vigil (Vigil: Blood Bitterness) -also- got removed, so if I had to place bets on any specific reason, it'd be some outside company who has their own product named "Vigil" getting over-reachy with inappropriate DMCA claims.

IIRC Valve's policy for DMCAs is to immediately remove the games in question, then reinstate them later if the claim turns out to be bogus/invalid, so hopefully that's what happens here.

2 days ago? Vigil: Blood Bitterness was delisted years ago.

my bad then, someone in another thread said it was only two days ago that it got removed, but now that I'm checking myself it looks like that two-days-ago change was just Steam automatically adding Metascores to a bunch of games lol.
wasabi™ Jul 27, 2023 @ 3:31pm 
Originally posted by arsenicBumpnip:
Originally posted by wasabi:

2 days ago? Vigil: Blood Bitterness was delisted years ago.

my bad then, someone in another thread said it was only two days ago that it got removed, but now that I'm checking myself it looks like that two-days-ago change was just Steam automatically adding Metascores to a bunch of games lol.

Yeah all good mate, I can see how that could be misinterpreted when looking at steamdb.

What weird timing for them to update the metascore lol
C²C^Guyver |NZB| Jul 28, 2023 @ 1:46am 
That was me who said Blood Bitterness was removed two days ago and I was going off of the Steam DB page.
wasabi™ Jul 28, 2023 @ 2:05am 
Originally posted by C²C^Guyver |NZB|:
That was me who said Blood Bitterness was removed two days ago and I was going off of the Steam DB page.

That's cool, just the steamdb page never actually stated is was removed 2 days ago.
Sv. Prolivije Jul 28, 2023 @ 2:51am 
It's not just Vigil, but seems all Glass Heart Games are removed from Steam. Even on the Discord of the publisher, nothing was mentioned of this.
wasabi™ Jul 28, 2023 @ 2:54am 
Originally posted by Sv. Prolivije:
It's not just Vigil, but seems all Glass Heart Games are removed from Steam. Even on the Discord of the publisher, nothing was mentioned of this.

Really? Ok that's really strange, I wonder what is going on over there.

Btw what other games have they made? Can't seem to find much on them when I try to Google them.

All I can find under Glass Heart Games is Vigil which is really strange.
Last edited by wasabi™; Jul 28, 2023 @ 3:02am
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