It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below

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Graybeard Games  [개발자] 2021년 1월 7일 오전 9시 25분
Patch notes for v1.01.53 - v1.01.57
- The Closet has been added to the game.
- All cosmetic items (hats, pets, outfits, back-items) are now unlocked on an account basis
- There are 4 new pages at the vault that keep track of your unlocked cosmetic items
- Once unlocked, you can make unlimited versions of the cosmetic by clicking on the icon
- The list of unlocked cosmetics gets updated when you load a character into the world
- Once the cosmetics are unlocked, feel free to trash any cosmetics to free up some space in your bank or inventory
- Bank pages and the vault have been enlarged to 5x6, up from 4x6.
- I like the multiple of 5/10 better and it works better with the Closet.
- Your bank items have not moved pages during the enlargement process.
- Block Inventory
- You now have 3 pages to your inventory: Normal and 2 Block pages.
- All blocks have been removed from your inventory and bank and placed in this alternate inventory
- Blocks stack to 10,000 in this inventory
- You can change pages to blocks, click on them, and make a stack of up-to 50, or shift+click for 500, place them in your hotbar or inventory and place them in the world like normal.
- You can return blocks back into the block inventory with a new "to-block" location on the inventory panel
- Crafting recipes which require blocks will craft out of this inventory first
- When you pick-up or auto-pick-up any block, it will be placed in your block inventory
- No-block pickaxes, The Great Leveler and Darting Boots now instantly loot the blocks (instead of destroying) and place them in your block inventory
- I hope this leads to an easier way to design and customize your town
- I have increased the block placement range slightly
- Unholy Krampus and its minions had their health slightly reduced. The fight was a bit longer than intended.
- Added a new complete message in the right-side tips-list once you defeat any map end-boss.

- Fixed a terrible, terrible bug which could delete old characters on file-split-upgrade if the upgrade failed. A few months back, I split the character saves into 2 files to get ready for multiplayer and this was recently broken if your character had not gone through it.
- There was also a bug in the file-split upgrade process that has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug with Barn Upgrade. If you upgraded your barn, it was marked on a character level, so new characters picking up the barn would remove the upgrade but is now marked on an account level.


Patch notes for v1.01.54

- Fixed a display issue with the number of bank pages you had. It didn't scale properly with the new page size
- Changed the tooltip on bank tabs at the vendor to say 30 slots instead of 24
- The Closet now checks your vault as well for unlocking cosmetic items on character load


Patch notes for v1.01.55

- I missed adding the Cat Ears hat to the cosmetic Closet, but it is fixed


Patch notes for v1.01.56

- I increased the values of the quartz multipliers when mined give a bit more and be better balanced between difficulties
- Changed it so that all cosmetic items cannot be sold for gold anymore
- I changed the logic on how crafting components get calculated. You shouldn't notice the difference, but please let me know if you have components for something and can't craft it.

- Fixed a bug with the early-game quest that requires you to dig up cobblestone. It should now complete the quest if you dig one up.


Patch notes for v1.01.57

- I changed the stack size of Parchment to from 50 to 250

- When crafting a stack of items, there was a bug with the new component counting system and it used too much of the components, but it is fixed.
Graybeard Games 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2021년 1월 7일 오후 6시 01분