EMPYRE: Lords of the Sea Gates

EMPYRE: Lords of the Sea Gates

Opening Chests/safes/etc?
I see a lot of chests etc, however they are not interactable. In the starting area I can understand that, however in the wardens office in the prison right at the beginning, there is a chest that you cannot interact with, however the tooltip says it could contain something interesting.

What am I missing here, am I doing something stupid, or missing something very simple?

Thank you.
Автор останньої редакції: Shilana; 5 жовт. 2017 о 17:58
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Показані коментарі 11 із 1
jaz  [розробник] 6 жовт. 2017 о 7:35 
There are some chests that have loot. The chests that you can select and take items from are interactive. The ones that do not have loot are not interactive (but use the same tooltip that says "could contain something interesting"). Perhaps that was too much of a tease?
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