Underworld Ascendant

Underworld Ascendant

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Question_505  [developer] Dec 14, 2018 @ 2:30pm
Development Roadmap and Save System Discussion
Hey, everyone.

We've posted our roadmap for the next two large updates (there will be hotfixes as well) and the details of the save system that will be implemeted in the next update. You can read it here:


We look forward to your constructive thoughts on the update.
Last edited by Question_505; Dec 14, 2018 @ 2:55pm
< >
Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Cat of Darkness Dec 14, 2018 @ 3:46pm 
As I stated in the comments for the roadmap, that read like plans for fixing a game still in early access and made no mentions to two significant problems that have been here from the start: flailing chains and non working arrows in some parts of the game. You still haven't explained why the game was released in the state it was. Why should I continue to have trust in your company after you released a product in which your employees have admitted that later levels weren't as polished as the earlier ones. Given how slow you've been with fixing the game, its hard not to see this as a scam of game thatss polished just enough to get past steams acceptble playtime for refunds. I say this not to stir up trouble, but because I'm a purchaser of your product unable to get a refund and I want genuine answers especially considering your plans for System Shock.
Last edited by Cat of Darkness; Dec 14, 2018 @ 3:48pm
Ryan Fenton Dec 14, 2018 @ 4:08pm 
Seriously - if you have the opportunity, I recommend you DO NOT SEND THIS OFF FOR CONSOLE VALIDATION checking in its current state.

You'd be wasting thousands of dollars for a fairly short list of automated test results, then a short list of why the game isn't currently viable for their platform. It could be valuable - but not worth the expense under the circumstances. To get active feedback would cost a lot more at that point - and even if you managed to sneak it through on some under-observed marketplace, you'd likely still get removed for even harsher complaints than you're getting here.

Your game is basically pre-alpha as it exists right now - and missing very basic design and even requirements gathering steps, before we even hit any actual implementation details.

Get it working at least to the same level as Ultima Underworld 1/2 in all aspects - 25+ year old gaming series mind you - before you call this an alpha much less beta version.

=MAG=JBBlack Dec 14, 2018 @ 6:38pm 
Thank you for this:

"Save system
We’ve completely overhauled Underworld Ascendant’s save game system based on player feedback. The goal is to ensure your efforts as you adventure through the Abyss, particularly during quests, are saved.

Under this new system, you will be able to save your progress anywhere in the game (with a couple exceptions) from the Pause Menu.

When you save a game, you will retain your location in a level, whatever steps you’ve completed toward a quest and all items and equipment you’ve collected in your inventory. Enemy positions, health and more will also be saved.

A full description can be found in the Save Game Details section at the end of this post"

And Update 2 sounds interesting, I haven't played at all yet due to the save system, but after that is implemented I will go ahead and play a few hours to try it out.

I will most likely wait until Feb and update 2 before I really try to get into it though.

Thanks for the update on the updates, ;-)

Last edited by =MAG=JBBlack; Dec 14, 2018 @ 6:39pm
Doctor Kaboom Dec 14, 2018 @ 8:55pm 
Ah, I was wondering about updates. Any news about the crazy long load times for level changes? Those are not fun.
DrBunsen Dec 15, 2018 @ 4:53am 
Sounds promising. Good luck!
Question_505  [developer] Dec 17, 2018 @ 8:03am 
Originally posted by Collision:
...made no mentions to two significant problems that have been here from the start: flailing chains and non working arrows in some parts of the game.

We fixed arrows for all zones except for some areas of Underswamp in a previous hotfix. The remaining update is in QA for Update 1. I expect it will be approved to go live with the update. If not, I expect it will come in a hotfix. Flailing chains are being looked at for inclusion in Update 2 depending on how the rest of the work goes. Each update will also contain a number of smaller fixes not listed in the roadmap, but will be detailed in the update notes.

Originally posted by Collision:
Given how slow you've been with fixing the game, its hard not to see this as a scam of game that's polished just enough to get past steams acceptible playtime for refunds.

There is always a difference between how long we want/expect things to take and how long they actually take when it comes to game updates. It takes time to make changes, QA them and then QA the package as a whole before it goes live. The team is prioritizing the work to be done and tacking as many items as possible as quickly as possible.

We are committed to the game and will continue to make updates to address the bugs that need to be fixed.
Cat of Darkness Dec 17, 2018 @ 2:42pm 
Originally posted by Question_505:

There is always a difference between how long we want/expect things to take and how long they actually take when it comes to game updates. It takes time to make changes, QA them and then QA the package as a whole before it goes live. The team is prioritizing the work to be done and tacking as many items as possible as quickly as possible.

We are committed to the game and will continue to make updates to address the bugs that need to be fixed.

But why didnt you take additional time to make sure these issues were fixed before officially releasing the game? You knew these problems existed since beta but you still decided to go forward with officially releaseing the game rather than releasing it under early access. Thats incredibly deceptive. Its one thing to release a day one patch, but an entirely different thing when the game is still in a horrendous state over a month later.
Player Dec 17, 2018 @ 5:08pm 
I waited umpteen months for Batman Arkham Knight to fix the myriad of crashing and other issues with that game on release, and many months later that ended up being the best game of all time in my view. That does not make it okay to release a game in an unfinished state, but it means that I personally don't mind waiting as long as the end product is good.

I am going to revisit this game in several months once (if) it gets to a decent state.
DrBunsen Dec 21, 2018 @ 3:19am 
Much appreciation for the latest Update. According to your changelog on kickstarter you really made a game from a demo in just 3 weeks!
Good luck for any further development.
Cat of Darkness Dec 21, 2018 @ 9:37am 
Originally posted by DrBunsen:
Much appreciation for the latest Update. According to your changelog on kickstarter you really made a game from a demo in just 3 weeks!
Good luck for any further development.
What? It took them 4 years to make the game...
MikeBob2013 Dec 22, 2018 @ 2:13am 
(I think this discussion thread really needs to be PINNED.)
Blasto Dec 22, 2018 @ 7:28am 
Things not on the roadmap:

-an actual story
-meaningful design changes

None of this is surprising, of course, but whatever this turd ends up being, it won't be a "spiritual sequel" to UU
Colen Bardbarian Dec 22, 2018 @ 9:35am 
Originally posted by NRx the Onion Man:
Things not on the roadmap:

-an actual story
-meaningful design changes

None of this is surprising, of course, but whatever this turd ends up being, it won't be a "spiritual sequel" to UU

It's a turd that is going to remain a turd.

They can't even patch properly!!
< >
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Date Posted: Dec 14, 2018 @ 2:30pm
Posts: 13