Warsim: The Realm of Aslona

Warsim: The Realm of Aslona

Troy - Warsim!  [开发者] 2019 年 4 月 5 日 上午 2:25
Warsim Cheat and Debug Codes Masterlist
for the unethical warsim player


These codes are entered in the standard cheats menu found in extras, here there
are many different codes that do all kinds including some debugging codes
that probably serve little purpose to a cheater

* 7) +7000000 gold
* 19) All desterters disband
* 25) +1000 Throne room visitors
* 29) +1000 deserter soldiers
* 69) +69 lands
* 70) All factions have 100 relation with you
* 71) All factions have -100 relation with you
* 72) All factions have 0 relation with you
* 88) +10000 Soldiers
* 99) +1000 gold
* 100) if any leagues could possibly be formed force them to happen
* 101) Turns all independent kingdoms into pacifists
* 111) See a list of some non debug cheats
* 172) +100 of all independent soldiers to aslona army
* 211) Shows a list of debug codes
* 299) Adds 100k peasants to your army
* 331) Travel through time
* 370) Choose how much bluetrii fruit you have
* 380) Choose how many lands you have
* 388) Set all Independent Races to be resurrecting race type
* 390) Choose how much gold you have
* 399) Debug Mode unlocked in main screen
* 404) Unlocks cut areas in the exploration screen for one turn
* 444) Makes all kingdoms 10x stronger
* 445) Makes all kingdoms 10x stronger but retain the same lands
* 450) Set general bandit level to whatever you want
* 469) Add 10000 new peasants to the militia
* 475) Sets game time limit to infinite (if previously set to be a timed game)
* 477) Adds 100 knights on quests for you
* 480) Unexplores any locations you've discovered but gives you 1000 explore chances
* 495) Gives all your staff a 300 skill level
* 504) Old Debug text colour setting (may not work)
* 505) Colour testing system (fun)
* 616) Demon Horde set to 2000
* 666) +666 bandits, knights, peasant, soldiers and tribals to aslona
* 700) Adds 1000 mercenaries to the blackmarket
* 710) Spawns a list of 100 races
* 716) 100 Relation with musicians guild
* 717) -100 Relation with musicians guild
* 747) All people wear hats
* 777) +777000000 gold
* 801) All other kingdoms have one land (troops are unchanged)
* 802) All other kingdoms have one land and a single peasant unit
* 933) Create a void gate in Independent Kingdom One (spawns void army)
* 1000) Set public opinion to anything
* 1015) Generate a new goblin slaver
* 1111) Disables cheats for your current save game
* 1112) Spawns all minor factions (void army, pest bandits, demons, revolt and deserters)
* 1331) Choose how many orbs of madness you want
* 1487) Spawns a list of 100 races but none of them are beast based races
* 1995) All locations revealed
* 2020) Start the Plague
* 6001) Opens the custom champion creator
* 6092) Allows you to change your backstory
* 7020) All faces mutated (enter again to disable)
* 7049) Turn all 5 kingdoms dead or alive into refugee camps instead
* 7072) Create 100 new barren lands


In the screen where you are told you are invited to the royal crowning
ceremony, you may instead of pressing (1) to go to the ceremony enter one of
the following to force a preset leadership type

* 551) Heir of King who was Assassinated
* 552) Heir of King who Died of Old Age
* 553) Son of the Mad King
* 554) Gambler who won the Kingdom
* 555) Bandit Warlord who captured the city
* 556) Demonic King


In the screen where you choose your difficulty level you can enter other codes
to get special debug mods, these are instant game modes made to test features

* 111) Debug Mode 111 (made to test why independents were so bad (spawn with 3000 independents)
* 69) 69 Cheat Mode (Start with tons of troops and lands)
* 11) Debug Mode 11 (Demons active from the start)
* 12) Debug Mode 12 (Chaos from the start, lots of random events)
* 13) Debug Mode 13 (Instantly start with pest group)
* 14) Debug Mode 14 (Automatically spawn special mercenary groups)
* 15) Debug Mode 15 (Plague from the start)
* 16) Debug Mode 16 (AKA Superduper impossible mode)
* 17) Fight Test Arena
* 18) Debug Mode 18 (Kingdoms get double land)
* 19) Debug Mode 19 (Kingdoms get triple land)
* 21) Debug Mode available in menu from the start
* 22) Debug Mode 21 (All locations unlocked)
* 23) Debug Mode 22 (Debug messages visible)
最后由 Troy - Warsim! 编辑于; 2021 年 2 月 22 日 上午 9:19
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BoujackVJ 2020 年 4 月 20 日 上午 8:02 
Is necessary put the simbols * and )?
Troy - Warsim!  [开发者] 2020 年 4 月 20 日 上午 9:06 
@BoujackVJ, Here's the list without :)


These codes are entered in the standard cheats menu found in extras, here there
are many different codes that do all kinds including some debugging codes
that probably serve little purpose to a cheater

88 +10000 Soldiers
380 Choose how many lands you have
390 Choose how much gold you have
388 Set all Independent Races to be resurrecting race type
933 Create a void gate in Independent Kingdom One (spawns void army
25 +1000 Throne room visitors
802 All kingdoms have one land and a single peasant unit
801 All kingdoms have one land (troops are unchanged
666 +666 bandits, knights, peasant, soldiers and tribals to aslona
172 +100 of all independent soldiers to aslona army
7 +7000000 gold
69 +69 lands
19 All desterters disband
29 +1000 deserter soldiers
99 +1000 gold
1995 All locations revealed
777 +777000000 gold
331 Travel through time
1331 Choose how many orbs of madness you want
111 See a list of some non debug cheats
616 Demon Horde set to 2000
504 Old Debug text colour setting (may not work
505 Colour testing system (fun
404 Unlocks cut areas in the exploration screen for one turn
399 Debug Mode unlocked in main screen
70 All factions have 100 relation with you
71 All factions have -100 relation with you
72 All factions have 0 relation with you
100 if any leagues could possibly be formed force them to happen
6000 Set screen to a random colour temporarily
6085 Show Current vampire stats
7040 Resert blackmarket
7878 Reset southern nomad troops
7897 Make nomads good
7896 Make nomads evil and demonic
370 Set how much bluetrii fruit you have
1112 Spawns all minor factions
1111 Disable all cheats from this save
716 100 Relation with musicians
717 -100 Relation with musicians
710 Generate a list of 100 random races
700 Add 1000 bandit mercenaries to blackmarket
480 Unexplore all locations, but give you 1000 explore chances
477 Adds 100 questing knights to the world
475 Sets game time to infinite (no game over time limit
495 All staff get 300 skill
445 All factions are 10x stronger (but hold the same lands
444 All factions are 10x stronger including in lands (These two cheats can be used multiple times to ridiculous effect
747 Force hats on everyone
299 Adds 100k peasants


In the screen where you are told you are invited to the royal crowning
ceremony, you may instead of pressing (1 to go to the ceremony enter one of
the following to force a preset leadership type

551 Heir of King who was Assassinated
552 Heir of King who Died of Old Age
553 Son of the Mad King
554 Gambler who won the Kingdom
555 Bandit Warlord who captured the city
556 Demonic King


In the screen where you choose your difficulty level you can enter other codes
to get special debug mods, these are instant game modes made to test features

111 Debug Mode 111 (made to test why independents were so bad (spawn with 3000 independents
69 69 Cheat Mode (Start with tons of troops and lands
11 Debug Mode 11 (Demons active from the start
12 Debug Mode 12 (Chaos from the start, lots of random events
13 Debug Mode 13 (Instantly start with pest group
14 Debug Mode 14 (Automatically spawn special mercenary groups
15 Debug Mode 15 (Plague from the start
16 Debug Mode 16 (AKA Superduper impossible mode
17 Fight Test Arena
18 Debug Mode 18 (Kingdoms get double land
19 Debug Mode 19 (Kingdoms get triple land
21 Debug Mode available in menu from the start
22 Debug Mode 21 (All locations unlocked
23 Debug Mode 22 (Debug messages visible
BoujackVJ 2020 年 4 月 20 日 上午 9:08 
Thanks :)
Troy - Warsim!  [开发者] 2020 年 4 月 20 日 上午 9:08 
No problem buddy :)
Oklati 2021 年 11 月 1 日 上午 9:48 
I'm pretty sure the arena champion has a bug :
if you buy him a house (which gives him +5 strength) and then the next near upgrade the house to a mansion (which gives him +50 strength) his strength won't increase i have waited multiple years for my mansion to work but it wont
Troy - Warsim!  [开发者] 2021 年 11 月 2 日 上午 2:48 
Thanks for the report, I'll look into this!
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