They Are Billions

They Are Billions

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How long Is An Average Run In They Are Billions
Although I do have 45 hours spent into this game, is it possible to complete a run under an hour? 
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
rdbury Nov 23, 2024 @ 8:00am 
Are you talking about a single survival mission or an entire campaign? One hour is 40 game days assuming no pauses. For Survival the shortest game duration is Brutal with 80 days. And to finish a campaign, since there are many missions, would take longer. So I think the short answer is no.
LittlePureWater Nov 23, 2024 @ 8:15am 
Originally posted by rdbury:
Are you talking about a single survival mission or an entire campaign? One hour is 40 game days assuming no pauses. For Survival the shortest game duration is Brutal with 80 days. And to finish a campaign, since there are many missions, would take longer. So I think the short answer is no.

I appreciate the response
Last edited by LittlePureWater; Nov 23, 2024 @ 8:15am
red255 Nov 23, 2024 @ 2:40pm 
Kensai's max difficulty clears tend to be an hour 48 minutes no pause. probably would be 3 hours with pause.

max difficulty means shortest wave duration.

if you just mean full map clear and just waiting for the final wave, that can be done sooner
Lywelyn Nov 25, 2024 @ 12:36am 
depends on a lot of factors...

campaign or survival ? custom workshop or not ?

going for non workshop survival, i'd say you are good for 45 mins/1 hours depending on the numbers of days before final wave
red255 Nov 26, 2024 @ 6:56pm 
campaign is super long. just the hordes you gotta clear are just 30 minutes of waiting on the world map after balling up the soldiers..

and then the hero missions are maybe 30 minutes + 15 minutes of tile scanning for that last piece of empire you somehow missed.

Honestly if the hero upgrades were instead 'start with X grenades' or start with 'X soldiers/snipers/whatever the missions would be far less tedious. why are we going in alone, why are we dropping all our grenades before we go in alone.

maybe an ability with a 5 minute cooldown to set up a wasp.

the way it is we are either forced to take the slow hero, or the female with kiting speed but not enough damage to get things done.

just give me a few soldiers to speed things up. the maps where you get a few units to assist you are much better. a few maps are pure nightmares.
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