Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition

Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition

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Patch 1.1.4 is live! Map screen changes, jump helper changes, fixes.
Hello! Dev here! A new patch is now live today! Here's what it changes:

  • Added an “Align with Camera” button! Now the map can be rotated in the map screen so the camera's north is also the map's north. So no back and forth between doors to see where you are going anymore. Here's how it works.[media.giphy.com]
  • More details added on the map, in hope that would diminish useless backtracking.
  • Added smarter helpers to jump aim: the game will “know” that you want to go to another platform a little bit better now, even after you’re already locked to another platform. Here's an image on how it works.[media.giphy.com]
  • The Location of Dandara’s active spirit is now disclosed in the map.
  • You can now turn off Vibration.

  • Triangle shots from Angular Soldiers now deal 2 damage (was 3 damage).
  • Lotus Projectiles now deal 1 damage (was 2 damage).
  • Skull Trap Projectiles now deal 2 damage (was 3 damage).
  • Eldar shots got buffed (1 damage to 2 damage).
  • Salt ghosts now recover all your health on contact, instead of half, including your own.
  • Special Weapons are no longer “super effective” on Bull Soldiers.
  • Desert of Remembrance’ s Army room can no longer soft lock players.
  • Changed various salt patches and enemy placement throughout the game!

  • Completionist achievement now working.
  • Dandara’s Salt Spirits no longer get stuck in geometry.
  • Fixed bug where you can get soft locked after getting killed by Eldar no longer happens.
  • Fixed bug where you could kill the first form of Eldar if you shot a Skull Shaft that pointed in the same direction as his movement.
  • Last boss' corners are no longer weak points.
Last edited by XEXÉU, EX VOCALIST OF TIMBALADA; Jun 23, 2018 @ 3:31pm