Sunless Skies

Sunless Skies

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failbetterfuzz  [developer] May 4, 2021 @ 9:06am
Sovereign Edition Patch Notes
Build Version:
Release Date: 19/05/2021

For bug reports and technical help, please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

Please see our announcement post for further details of updates to this build.

Narrative bug fixes
  • It was possible to become stuck in a certain nightmare storylet if you had no crew; it will now instead be fatal, as intended.
  • The Chiropterous Hoarder’s story can no longer be repeated once it has been completed, bringing it into line with other officer stories. And they can no longer be recruited anew after retiring with a captain who successfully upgrade them.
  • The Long Passage quest will now always show as completed when it ought to.
  • When you drop off a Blue Kingdom Agent at Brabazon, you will no longer be told you are in Port Prosper.
  • The Amenable Host will not mistake you for your predecessor if you finished his quest on an earlier captain.
  • The Chairman's Commission quest entry no longer states what you've been asked to do several times.
  • Desperate Measures now has displays appropriate change messages.
  • The Midnight Rose can no longer be viewed before being found.
  • In Lustrum, the result text for the ‘Make your presence known’ and ‘Attempt to slip away’ branches is no longer swapped.
  • The Call of the Sea facet is now available to captains who resolved the Worlebury-juxta-Mare main story in the cult’s favour, and not just to later captains in their lineage.
  • Squirmings will no longer have the chance of escaping immediately after being picked up. It may still be soon after, though...
  • Guests riddle, rather than raddle, certain ships.
  • You will now be able to return to dinner at Nell's Tower if you leave before the second and third courses are complete.
  • Once Titania is fully repaired, cheap Chorister Nectar can no longer be purchased reliably. It is now an occasional bargain.
  • The Chief Horologist will now call you by your horological title rather than stuttering mysteriously.
  • The reminder text for Ambition: Wealth in Pan has been corrected.
  • The Incautious Driver can no longer respond to a telegram in London while on secondment elsewhere.
  • Abandoning a delve into the Silent Saint will no longer lower Terror.
  • If you have become locked out of exploring Sarge's vault after entering, you can now re-enter.
  • If you have become locked out after approaching the throne with your Aunt, you can now re-approach.
  • If you gave some devils at the Well of the Wolf their voices, they will now retain them.
  • It is now possible to spy on the leaders of the Brazen Brigade during the Hour of Veracity.
  • It has been made clearer that you can only transport one captain at a time while undertaking the Truth Ambition.
  • Port Reports in the Reach now acknowledge that events can cause the Indurate Veteran or the Prudent Secretary to move from their platforms near New Winchester.
  • The journal now provides a small hint about how to find a certain War Hero at Magdalene's.
  • The Driver will not be able to interact with the fungal fragment unless they are actually there.
  • You can no longer dine with the Dismal Chamberlain while he is simultaneously elsewhere.
  • The Signalman will no longer be able to investigate the signalboxes while on secondment.
  • It should now be clear when you have reached the repeatable part of the Sequencer's Charity quest.
  • There is now a reminder of how to get into the Inscribed Tinkerer's good graces.
  • It is now possible to take up more than one topic in a single discussion with the Repentant Devil.
  • Commissioning a statue at Titania no longer links to a storylet from a retired version of that port.
  • It is now more obvious where to drop off the Cryptozoologist in Lustrum.
  • Isery should now always be referred to with the correct pronouns.
  • If the Half-Glass Empty has shattered, the quest will adjust itself to the correct stage (Completed) and he will be removed from your ship.
  • The Full Steam Ahead! message will now occur once per legacy, not once per captain.
  • It has been made clearer that becoming Yoked by the Lamentation of Mists is a process with several steps.
  • If you finish the construction of Titania, you cannot assist the Midnight Rose on your next captain by siphoning funds from construction works.
  • If you select the story of your time as a Member of Parliament for your Sixth canto of the Song of the Sky, it will now show as that, and not as the second canto.
  • You can no longer ask to be Yoked by the Lamentation of the Mists while already Yoked.
  • The Royal Astronomers now continue working even if driven entirely mad by their researches.
  • Prospects requiring Amberley Murgatroyd will no longer appear if she has been banished.
  • If you have persuaded the Steward to stop trying to fix the Clockwork Sun, you will no longer have Desperate Measures in your journal.
  • You can no longer turn in Port Prosper reports to the Other Company House, or Port Lustrum Reports to Victory Hall in Exile.
  • You will now receive a reasonable price for delivering Nostalgic Crockery to Titania and Literature to Lustrum.
  • If you quit the game while eating dinner or choosing your Patron at Nell's Tower, you can now get back in.
  • You can no longer evade certain events occurring at high Terror simply by clicking ‘Perhaps Not’.
  • Missing Addressed As options have been added to Langley Hall.
  • If you quit the game before heeding Ratbite's warning, you can now go back in and react to her.
  • It should no longer be possible to lose access to Hybras content in a particular circumstance that may occur after picking up the Pernickety Factor.
  • If you backed out of deciding what to do about the Verdant Fragment, it is no longer possible to proceed with the Incautious Driver's story until you do so. If you previously did so, a branch at the Nature Reserve will explain how to get the story back on track.
  • You can now no longer get locked out of the end of the Regent's Grave quest by leaving early. (If this has affected an existing game it should be possible to continue, but you may no longer have your chosen translator.)
  • A soot-besmirched chemist is now always referred to with the correct pronoun.
  • You are now charged for Donkey rides at Worlebury.
  • Officers’ stories can no longer be pursued when they are on secondment.
  • The correct quality requirement messages will now be displayed when speaking to the Fatalistic Signalman about the state of the signal-boxes.
  • You can now recruit the Clay Conductor and Copper Companion from Sky Barnet after passing on a legacy to a new captain.
  • The mission to deliver leaflets to the Displeased has been given a more precise pointer to the Stair to the Sea.
  • If you managed to escape the Barrows at Traitor's Wood without actually leaving, you will now be able to get back in and finish your task.
  • Various typos have been fixed.

Tech bug fixes

  • A typo has been corrected in the Flying Zoo achievement.
  • The Lavenders green, Lavender's blue achievement now uses the correct gender for Dilly.

  • Scrive-Spinsters' heads no longer detach from their bodies when they enter a weft of unraveled time.
  • The Aiming Assistance difficulty setting no longer affects enemy missiles.
  • Agents will no longer try to pass through terrain near Worlebury or the House of Roads and Chains.
  • The interaction zone around enemy loot drops has been widened.

  • Station sound effects now play from the correct speaker based on position.
  • Weather sound effects will no longer persist after you move away from it.
  • Agents in combat with one another can no longer be heard from a very great distance.
  • Scrive-Spinster sound effects can no longer be heard from very great distances, either.
  • Docking sound effects are now present on platforms and on all stations in Eleutheria.
  • The loot sound effect is now muted when UI panels are open.
  • Logoi sound effects are now muted when UI panels are open.
  • The explosion from Sneeze-Lurker mine is now audible.
  • The Horn will no longer sound when X is pressed if an interface is open.

Bazaars, Prospects and Bargains
  • Prospects can no longer be set to a negative value, preventing a fourth prospect from being claimed.
  • Prospect titles are no longer truncated.
  • Captains can no longer claim prospects without meeting the quality requirements for them.
  • Items gained from bargains can now be used to complete prospects immediately, without the UI panel first being redrawn.
  • Smuggling prospects can now be claimed immediately after completing another pending prospect.
  • Instructional text no longer overlaps on the Bazaar interface.

Character creation
  • After selecting other options, previous selections are no longer highlighted on the character creation screen.
  • Origins on the character creation screen can now be scrolled through using a keyboard.

Character progression
  • Skill levels on the character progression screen now separately show the base level and modifiers, rather than just the total.
  • Facets gained from storylets now correctly replace those on the character progression screen.
  • Facet icons have been updated.

  • The player icon no longer appears beneath a port icon when the chart is first opened.
  • The regions in the chart cycler are now in a more natural order.
  • The chart can no longer be opened during loading screens.
  • Chart icon tooltips now automatically show on mouseover, instead of requiring a click.
  • The mouse scroll wheel now only zooms on the chart when the game is focused and the mouse is within the game window.
  • The chart can now be panned with WASD and arrow keys.
  • Port and platform chart icon tooltips now include the location name and have better formatting.
  • Relays now have tooltips on the chart.
  • Cycling through the regions on the chart is now much faster.
  • The chart no longer causes a memory leak.
  • Prospect and bargain details on chart tooltips have been removed to resolve some functional problems.
  • The terrain near Borges Ridge is now accurately represented on the chart.
  • Rogue asteroids have been removed from the Albion chart.
  • The 'Name Your Locomotive' interface can no longer be opened while viewing the chart.
  • Moving across the chart with a gamepad is now much faster on 4k monitors.
  • There is no longer any automatic pan snapping on the chart when using controllers.
  • The chart can no longer be opened over the victory and character progression screens when using gamepads.
  • If the chart is open when using a gamepad, UI tooltips can no longer be triggered.

  • Pressing Esc will exit the credits, and the keyboard prompts for speeding up the credits are now visible.
  • The credits are now properly spaced on aspect ratios other than just 16:9.
  • Several typos have been corrected.

  • Blind Hermits now play their harvest animation after interaction.
  • Discoveries can no longer spawn inside terrain near New Winchester.

  • The locomotive is now always aligned correctly when loading save files.
  • The glass awning at the Worlebury dock now appears above the player.
  • Prompts to undock and explore are no longer visible when docked with a side panel open.
  • The docking prompt can no longer become stuck on screen.
  • The engineyard and shops can no longer be accessed from the Ministries platform.

Gamepad activation/deactivation
  • Controller prompts are now always removed from interfaces when gamepads are disconnected.
  • The correct button prompts are now shown when activating a gamepad with the bank panel open.
  • When gamepads are activated, focus is now removed from the HUD, allowing the locomotive to move immediately without pressing the cancel button.
  • Activating a gamepad with the shop, bazaar or bank open alongside a side panel will no longer trigger tooltips.
  • Activating and deactivating gamepads with the engineyard interface open will no longer remove the ability to scroll.
  • Activating a controller in-game will no longer bring up the last storylet interacted with.

Gamepad Focus
  • It is now always clear where the focus is when moving between panels.
  • Pressing the cancel button on a gamepad will no longer cause a loss of focus on the title screen.
  • The continue button will always be highlighted when returning to the title screen when using a gamepad.
  • When using gamepads, focus can no longer be lost from the controls menu.
  • When using gamepads, focus can no longer be lost on the audio and tutorial sections of the options menu.
  • When using gamepads, focus can no longer be lost on the victory screen after pressing LT or R3.
  • Focus can no longer be lost on the character creation screen when using keyboard arrows or the D-pad.
  • Focus will no longer be lost on the bazaar when scrolling with R3.
  • Focus is no longer lost from the UI when pressing LB and RB simultaneously with the officers panel open.
  • Focus is no longer lost from the UI when activating controllers over storylets.
  • The Start/Menu/Options button on gamepads no longer causes loss of focus on the legacy and character creation screens.
  • When using gamepads, focus is no longer reset when transferring items to the bank with the hold side panel open.
  • The focus will no longer jump to the engineyard when equipping officers or jettisoning items using a controller.
  • When using gamepads, the focus is placed back on the ‘Name your locomotive’ interface after manually entering a ship name.
  • LT can no longer be used to lose focus on the ‘Name your locomotive’ interface at engineyards.
  • When using a gamepad, focus can no longer be lost on the ‘Mechanical Problems’ interface.

  • The Full Steam Mode bar no longer becomes stuck if you lose crew in a storylet while it is charging.
  • The HUD will update immediately when leveling up and when gaining or losing Nightmares through storylets.
  • The Terror overlay has been removed to improve performance.
  • Icons will no longer become stuck on the screen when transferring items to the bank.

  • The centre panel no longer produces a memory leak.
  • It is no longer possible to travel when panels are open.
  • Text rendering on several menus is now crisper.
  • Accented letters are now the correct font size.
  • Actions on the bank, engineyard and bazaar panels no longer cause side panels to redraw to the hold.
  • The centre panel can now be closed immediately after death without a branch having to be selected first.
  • Side panels are now closed properly when completing an ambition.
  • The contraband icon is no longer cut off in the hold interface.
  • Empty prospect slots on the hold no longer display random tooltips.
  • Negative modifiers will no longer apply an additional minus sign on the profile panel.
  • When using gamepads, it is no longer possible to travel with the jettison interface open.
  • When using a gamepad, jettisoning items will no longer cause tooltips to be displayed in the hold.
  • When using a gamepad, selectable elements on the hold panel are now highlighted properly.
  • Selecting items and slots on the hold panel is now more intuitive with a gamepad.
  • Navigating the officers side panel using a gamepad is now more straightforward.
  • When using a gamepad, side panels will no longer become stuck on screen after closing centre panels.
  • Z-fighting is no longer seen on shop panels when scrolling with gamepads on resolutions with aspect ratios other than 16:9.
  • Shops will no longer redraw erratically when assigning officers or equipping items with a gamepad.
  • The scroll speed is now uniform across all interfaces when using a gamepad.

  • Loading is now faster, particularly on lower-end machines.
  • Loading screen assets no longer linger when starting a new game.
  • The headlight can no longer be turned off during loading screens or the opening animation.

Locomotives and engineyards
  • Locomotive trade-in values are now reduced if the hull is damaged. This blocks an exploit that allowed free repairs.
  • Locomotive chimney smoke has been restored.
  • Mining, Butchery and Assaying qualities are correctly removed if the items that provide them are unequipped when purchasing a new locomotive.
  • The ‘Full Steam Ahead’ event will no longer reset after dropping off settlers.
  • When activating Full Steam Mode you will no longer see the flames when passing underneath some types of terrain.

  • Many optimisations have been made to improve the general performance of Sunless Skies, particularly when loading and unloading segments.

  • No mischief now arises if your scout is absent when your captain dies.

  • The interact prompt on all spectacles now reappears immediately after interaction.

  • De Vour's Hike is no longer obscured by terrain when Brabazon spawns to the west of Albion.
  • Rogue points of light will no longer be seen in Albion.
  • Smoke will no longer appear displaced from the chimneys producing it.
  • The headlight will no longer penetrate rocks near Carillon.
  • Lakes in Eleutheria no longer respect the laws of physics less than other Eleutherian terrain.
  • The headlight no longer passes over the precipice at the Well of Wonder.
  • Some port labels have been moved so they don’t clash with ambient messages.
  • The tiny asteroids surrounding the House of Rods and Chains, and throughout the Leadbetter and Stainrod segment will no longer damage your hull.
  • Erroneous assets no longer appear near the Clockwork Sun, Brabazon, Worlebury, Traitor's Wood or the Forge of Souls.
  • There are no longer invisible colliders near the Avid Horizon and Braley Rock.
  • Errant waterfalls will no longer be seen around the Regent's Tears.
  • Isambard interaction zones are now a consistent size.
  • Lights are now firmly attached to the buildings around Brabazon.

  • All quality icons now have the same indentation in the quality results text.
  • All default quality icons have been removed.
  • Quality change messages are no longer displayed if a quality remains unaffected by a branch result.
  • A rare instance of qualities being set to negative values which caused underflow issues and cargo capacity problems has been resolved.
  • A warning will no longer be seen when backing out of storylets very quickly.
  • Storylet text will now always be repositioned correctly after a branch is selected.
  • Closing the storylet panel after speaking to your Forged Companion should now behave as intended.
  • The area list can no longer close linked storylets, potentially breaking many stories.
  • Storylets will now never draw over the bank, bazaar, shop and engineyard panels.
  • The branch difficulty/chance of success is now visible when using a gamepad.
  • Abandoning the tutorial or passing a region boundary while using a gamepad will no longer trigger an inescapable storylet.
  • When using gamepads, highlighted branches can be selected even if they are partially out of view.

  • Font scaling is now applied to ambient messages, loading screen tips, all pop-up interfaces and the Something Awaits You screen.
  • Ambient messages now have a background layer so they are easier to read in the brighter parts of the High Wilderness.
  • Various typos and inconsistencies in ambient messages have been fixed.

  • Resetting tips now enables them at the same time if they were disabled.
  • Several tips have been adjusted to make their meaning clearer.

  • Delivering a killing blow with the Wrath of Heaven will no longer cause exciting physics effects.
  • Rockets and the Wrath of Heaven can no longer be fired while using transit relays.

  • Forces from weather and the Clockwork Sun will now always be removed correctly from your locomotive.
  • Changes to supply consumption from weather are now indicated on the HUD when entering it.

  • Time will no longer freeze after unpausing the game.
  • The version number no longer overlaps with the patch notes on 4k monitors.
  • Icon art for the Fortunate Navigator and the Locket has been reworked.
  • The opening game sequence will not play again on a new game if you die or quit to the title screen before going through character creation.
  • Rebinding the chart from tab to a different key will no longer disable that key when renaming ships.
  • The level up animation has been updated.
  • The cruise control prompt for gamepads has been updated in the tutorial.
Last edited by failbetterfuzz; Jun 4, 2021 @ 3:57am
Date Posted: May 4, 2021 @ 9:06am
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