Black Desert

Black Desert

Valden21 Feb 23, 2020 @ 3:32pm
Does the game have any of this stuff? Almost all of the posts I'm seeing about it are at least 2 years old, and opinion about it was really back and forth. I'm also seeing some posts on this topic saying that when you reach a certain point, you can't go any farther without paying IRL money. Is ANY of this true, and if so, to what extent? Basically, lots of rumors, no solid information. Please provide an answer ASAP; I need to know quickly if buying this game was a mistake.
Originally posted by Reistrix Hunter:
Originally posted by Valden21:
Originally posted by Kitten ♡:

So it just involves the game's in-universe money?
Yes. The only way you'll put money into this game is if you hit F3 and buy from the pearl shop. The in-game marketplace is completely in-game currency and you can buy a few pearl shop items from it with silver in-game.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
Reistrix Hunter Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:05pm 
You can access anything in this game without paying money. If you want to get there faster than someone else, then yes money will help you. Some people call this P2W, others say pay for convenience. Ultimately, its up to you to decide if it's P2W or not in your eyes.
Valden21 Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:08pm 
Is all of that through some sort of in-game shop?
Reistrix Hunter Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:18pm 
Originally posted by Valden21:
Is all of that through some sort of in-game shop?
Yes. Some of the cash shop items can be bought off the marketplace with patience. Some are strictly cash shop only but are only if you want to speed along the process.
Valden21 Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:21pm 
What about the marketplace? How is that accessed? I want to know so I can avoid accidentally entering it.
Last edited by Valden21; Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:21pm
EchoSON Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:22pm 
It isn't pay to win.
EchoSON Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:23pm 
You don't want to avoid the 'in game marketplace' its central to making money.
If you want to avoid the pearl shop , you just dont press esc > shop > pearl shop.
Valden21 Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:24pm 
Originally posted by EchoSON:
You don't want to avoid the 'in game marketplace' its central to making money.
If you want to avoid the pearl shop , you just dont press esc > shop > pearl shop.

Does the in-game marketplace involve IRL money?
Reistrix Hunter Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:25pm 
Originally posted by EchoSON:
You don't want to avoid the 'in game marketplace' its central to making money.
If you want to avoid the pearl shop , you just dont press esc > shop > pearl shop.
Basically what he said. ^
Reistrix Hunter Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:25pm 
Originally posted by Valden21:
Originally posted by EchoSON:
You don't want to avoid the 'in game marketplace' its central to making money.
If you want to avoid the pearl shop , you just dont press esc > shop > pearl shop.

Does the in-game marketplace involve IRL money?
Valden21 Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:30pm 
Originally posted by Kitten ♡:
Originally posted by Valden21:

Does the in-game marketplace involve IRL money?

So it just involves the game's in-universe money?
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Reistrix Hunter Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:31pm 
Originally posted by Valden21:
Originally posted by Kitten ♡:

So it just involves the game's in-universe money?
Yes. The only way you'll put money into this game is if you hit F3 and buy from the pearl shop. The in-game marketplace is completely in-game currency and you can buy a few pearl shop items from it with silver in-game.
0 SH00B3RT 0 Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:44pm 
The P2W in this game is all around the peal shop and there's a lot of it. However, there are a few things in the pearl shop you can pickup using your loyalties. Loyalties are things you get through playing the game and logging in everyday. Pearl Shop for the most part, unless you really feel like spending $, it's not really necessary in my eyes.

Black Spirit adventure is also a thing you can play 3 times a day for a few items. You also get attendance rewards for logging in and you also get to collect your daily silver reward.

Pets? You get 3 from the main story, and 1 for joining a guild.
A fairy can be obtained through the main story.
Mounts can be obtained through the main story as well as in game.
Inventory expansion slots can be obtained through loyalties and through the main story/some side quests.

I'm new to the game as well, but so far the game is pretty accessible and fun.

Just treat it like a casual MMO and play the game however you want to. Grind, lifeskill, etc. Lifeskilling can be done active or AFK and it's a decent source of income if you don't have a lot of time on your hands. It's a way to passively generate income while you're AFK. If you don't like leaving your computer on at night or while you're at work, school, etc. Then you don't have to, your choice.

That's what I'm doing and I'm enjoying it.
Last edited by 0 SH00B3RT 0; Feb 23, 2020 @ 4:44pm
ET3RNAL☃ Feb 23, 2020 @ 9:39pm 
Originally posted by Valden21:
Does the game have any of this stuff? Almost all of the posts I'm seeing about it are at least 2 years old, and opinion about it was really back and forth. I'm also seeing some posts on this topic saying that when you reach a certain point, you can't go any farther without paying IRL money. Is ANY of this true, and if so, to what extent? Basically, lots of rumors, no solid information. Please provide an answer ASAP; I need to know quickly if buying this game was a mistake.
Without paying any money you will experience overwhelming hardship as a casual player, and even if you play this game to have a chill experience, it'll take you god knows how many hours to reach pvp relevance gear. Ofc, unless u have RNG luck...
For me personally the endgame grind wasn't worth it anymore after 1.5k hours. Wasn't my cup of tea no more.
But here's the million $ question --> many players end up spending more money than anticipated and end up regretting it.
Last edited by ET3RNAL☃; Feb 23, 2020 @ 9:40pm
Freeezy Feb 24, 2020 @ 9:33am 
I have bought BDO via their website back then when it released. The game is great, has great gameplay and fighting but You will get annoyed really fast with all the farming and grinding for gear UNLESS You pay for certain things like more inventory space, a maid, that takes your items and puts them into the stash for you, pets, that pick up loot from mobs you otherwise have to pick up yourself by frantically spamming F and going over every "lootbag". And thats only to name a few of, what other people call, "convenience things".

So yeah, if You plan on REALLY grinding the game and trying to enjoy the game fully, You'll spend money sooner or later.
Traveler Feb 24, 2020 @ 9:49am 
I can confirm there absolutely is pay to win available, however it's not impactful enough to ruin the game.

For example, you can get an outfit that reduces cooking time by 2 seconds for $29. 2 seconds might not sound like much but currently it would double what I can cook per hour. That's big. However you CAN get down to the minimum cook time without the outfit. You just need to be a billionare.

The Hedgehog pet (only available from a $35 welcome pack) gives you 30% chance at an additional gather. However I have learned that it only gives base amount. So if you have very high gathering mastery you can gain up to 16 items per gather, whereas the hedgehog can only give you up to the base 4 extra.

Any advantage you can pay for is pay to win. What's more important is how impactful these options are. And like I said originally, it's fairly low impact.

The way I see it, there are many things to do in the game. Once you play for a while and find what you want to do, you can consider buying the related costume to help support the game and get a boost in whatever the activity is. The game was only $10 with no sub so I don't see it as too bad.
Last edited by Traveler; Feb 24, 2020 @ 9:57am
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Date Posted: Feb 23, 2020 @ 3:32pm
Posts: 23