Dota 2
Why people complain that they didnt get anything good from offering?
Its THE SAME THING as complaining that you deleted your stuff and didnt get anything in return.

Lets be honest, what do you think, why has offering replaced the delete button?
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Показані коментарі 110 із 10
Then they should put the delete button again, i dont want to see my untradeaable items anymore, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ volvo is getting diseases..
Цитата допису °°ExE.SkyBLank:
Then they should put the delete button again, i dont want to see my untradeaable items anymore, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ volvo is getting diseases..
oh my god, you realise the offering is a international event, not permanant?
People think like offer $5 worth of items they will get equal price or better items.
Offering gave quite a lot of good items during the new bloom event, but offer those items and expect more in return is pretty stupid.
They should've known that offering system is sh i t. Other people getting nice items doesn't mean they will get them either
Автор останньої редакції: < blank >; 13 лип. 2014 о 3:03
Dude! technically speaking, the delete function is not the same as the offering function.. so stop insisting its a delete function since they are not the same.. when you offer items you get a price, when u delete something thats just another story. so technically, they are not the same.. stop convincing people its a delete function because no one will believe in that..
Actaully, if you offered 5$ or more, you got Arcana in early offering weeks, now people abused and you have only chance of getting bundles.
Цитата допису Anus ` Destroyer:
Actaully, if you offered 5$ or more, you got Arcana in early offering weeks, now people abused and you have only chance of getting bundles.

Actually, you are posting false and unverified claims.
Actually, if you offered 5$ or more, you got decent chance to win Arcana or some legendary/mythical bundles. And you at least get some rare bundles every single time. That's how offerings worked for almost two months.

You lose some items -> You have a chance to win some items.
Yep, exactly like description says.

And what we have now?
NO CHANGELOGS/PATCHNOTES ("dota 2" + "patchnotes" is already a joke by itself - patches almost every day, but patchnotes... like 1 in 5-6 months i think :\).
Not even a single word from official sources that they've changed how this system works.
Just thousands of people suddenly getting nothing. 25 points added to book for like 50 pages of items? Really? Then why it was completely different all that time?

Now it looks like that:
You lose some items -> You get nothing at all. No chances. Simply nothing.
But descriptions/faq/etc. - they all say different thing. You actually have that chance.
And not even a single word from Valve that they changed something.

That's what people are complaining about. And would continue spamming until Valve says something.

P.S. /me wonders when all that "smart" people would actually stop comparing offerings with "delete" button.
Probably never though... some people accidentally "deleted" their brains it seems -_-
but you can see the items that have been offer..
i see my offering almost 11 pages so i didnt click the "Delete" button for sure..
Stupid people, stupid people everywhere.
Цитата допису Dale ™:
Dude! technically speaking, the delete function is not the same as the offering function.. so stop insisting its a delete function since they are not the same.. when you offer items you get a price, when u delete something thats just another story. so technically, they are not the same.. stop convincing people its a delete function because no one will believe in that..
An offering is something given as a gift. You do this without expecting anything in return.
Deletion is the removal of something with nothing in return.
It pretty much is a delete button. The offerings is the temporary replacement for the delete button that they bring for DOTA events.

Stop trying to convince people that it isn't pretty much a delete function. It is.
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Опубліковано: 13 лип. 2014 о 2:55
Дописів: 10