Fire Pro Wrestling World

Fire Pro Wrestling World

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Carlzilla Aug 6, 2017 @ 1:16pm
[MOD] Better Wrestler Select Options
-=- Mod description -=-
Allows you to use L1/R1 to change the Promotion and Hold R2+Left/Right on the dpad to change the Stable.

Keyboard users:
L1 = Breathe
R1 = 3D Walk/Special Action
R2 = Pin

I have not tested this with a keyboard, but it should work.

-=- Prerequisites -=-
This mod suite requires MikeDG's PWGR Patcher, which can be downloaded here:

To set up the patcher unzip it to the directory Steam has installed FireProWrestling in. Then enter your FireProWrestlingW_Data\Managed directory and make a copy of your Assembly-CSharp.dll file named Assembly-CSharp.original.dll

-=- Installation of the mod -=-
Once the patcher is set up correctly, you need to download the mod suite here:

Unzip the mod suite to any directory you want, then move the BetterSelectOptions.dll to your FireProWrestlingW_Data\Managed directory.

Launch the Patcher and select the BetterSelectOptions.dll file in the list to the left and make sure there's a checkbox, then select the features of this mod that you'd like to enable in the list to the right and make sure they are checked, and hit "Patch Fire Pro World" and wait for the patcher to close itself. Now start up the game and the mods will have been applied.

-=- Known Issues -=-
There are two known issues, they are not gamebreaking, but may seem "wrong" the first time you use the mod.

1) The wrestler select screen behaves a little strange in listing the wrestlers until the stable is changed for the first time, at which point the issue disappears.

2) In exhibition matches the wrestler select screen doesn't update on load until the user inputs a control (any control).

I am working on fixing these, but there is no timeframe at this point, please do not report them to me, as I'm already aware that they exist.
Last edited by Carlzilla; Aug 7, 2017 @ 12:04pm
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
ElectricKnight Aug 6, 2017 @ 1:54pm 
Brilliant. This is something I hope they add into the controls, officially, but it's fantastic to see you're already capable of making it happen. The future looks golden for this game, whether through continued updates and improvements from the developers, or from the modding community for years to come.
Carlzilla Aug 6, 2017 @ 2:08pm 
I'm hoping they add it officially as well, that's why I did a completely separate release of this from my normal mod suite...that way it's easy to get rid of when it's no longer needed...

Plus I'm sure if they add it, it won't have the two minor issues that my version has.
Last edited by Carlzilla; Aug 6, 2017 @ 2:08pm
Carlzilla Aug 6, 2017 @ 9:48pm 
Updated to do a minor bug fix...

Download link in the first post.
Koldnova Aug 7, 2017 @ 11:56am 
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but after updating the patcher this doesn't seem to work anymore.
Carlzilla Aug 7, 2017 @ 12:02pm 
Make sure that there's a check mark both in the left list checking off the DLL and the right list checking the feature.
Koldnova Aug 7, 2017 @ 12:29pm 
Originally posted by Carlzilla:
Make sure that there's a check mark both in the left list checking off the DLL and the right list checking the feature.

Yup I missed that checkbox that was it thanks.
Carlzilla Aug 7, 2017 @ 12:51pm 
Originally posted by Koldnova:
Originally posted by Carlzilla:
Make sure that there's a check mark both in the left list checking off the DLL and the right list checking the feature.

Yup I missed that checkbox that was it thanks.

I updated the instructions on all my mods to match the new hopefully others won't miss it.
Q.D.P Fujimori Jan 27, 2024 @ 9:05am 
Hello, I know I spent a lot of time on this mod, but I downloaded it and well I wanted to return the game to normal, and so I uninstalled the mod, deleted everything and even the game and reinstalled it, now when I try to open the game it stays on the loading screen, and when I reinstalled the mod, I was just able to play it, can you help me uninstall the mod?, so that these errors do not occur to me
Carlzilla Jan 28, 2024 @ 10:48am 
It is deprecated at this point. I believe this functionality was rolled into the game at some point. You should not use this in 2024.
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