Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Couldn't sync with SteamCloud
From ~/.local/share/Steam/logs/cloud_log.txt
[2013-07-08 13:31:33] Starting sync job [2013-07-08 13:31:33] [AppID 550] Starting sync (download) [2013-07-08 13:31:33] [AppID 550] Need to download file cfg/config.cfg [2013-07-08 13:31:33] Connecting to UFS at . . . [2013-07-08 13:32:36] Failed to connect to UFS at [2013-07-08 13:32:36] Closing connection to UFS. [2013-07-08 13:32:36] [AppID 550] Download failed, couldn't connect

But maybe shared trouble - same cloud IP today used for TF2 with same result.

PS Ping passed success for
About two weeks ago for sync successfull, SteamCloud use IP (but only for TF2), according to the logs.
OS - Debian Wheezy x86_64, proxy not used, iptables if off.
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bzrzd 2013年7月8日 23時10分 
Maybe temp. error. Today works fine.
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