Streets of Rogue

Streets of Rogue

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caidicus Mar 18, 2017 @ 10:42am
Any Chance You'll Release This for Nintendo Switch?
Cause I'd buy it, and I'd pay more than the Steam version. :P
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Madguy  [developer] Mar 18, 2017 @ 11:10am 
It's a major possibility, I'd like to do it (Xbox and Ps4 as well) -- need to look further into it, but since SOR is Unity-based, I'm not anticipating major problems on the technical end. Knock wood.
caidicus Mar 18, 2017 @ 11:15am 
Originally posted by Madguy:
It's a major possibility, I'd like to do it (Xbox and Ps4 as well) -- need to look further into it, but since SOR is Unity-based, I'm not anticipating major problems on the technical end. Knock wood.

Well, this game looks like it would be at least 100 hours of fun, that would fill a huge void on the Switch market.

I honestly hope it makes it over there.

And thanks for the reply! You guys rock!
Madguy  [developer] Mar 18, 2017 @ 11:19am 
My guess is it'll need to be out of Early Access before that happens, as I don't believe they have a program like that. And if they did, the certification process for putting up new patches would likely be pretty painful.
caidicus Mar 18, 2017 @ 11:21am 
Originally posted by Madguy:
My guess is it'll need to be out of Early Access before that happens, as I don't believe they have a program like that. And if they did, the certification process for putting up new patches would likely be pretty painful.

Oh wow, I didn't even realize the game is still in EA. That all makes sense, then.
Anyhow, I'm buying the game on Steam, not to play it, but to support good developers.

Keep up the excellent communication, and of course, the fantastic job you're doing on this game.

If it comes out on Switch, in the future, I'll certainly be buying it there.
caidicus Mar 18, 2017 @ 11:24am 
And done! I wish you guys all the best with the continued development of this game. It already looks like it's off to a fantastic start.

caidicus Mar 18, 2017 @ 12:32pm 
So, I just played the game, and OMG! It's fantastic! I said as much in my review, and my curator review, as well.

This is an alpha? What a great surprise your game is. Keep it up, dev.

Though, if you ever do plan to release it on Switch, remember to remove "Killed Innocent +20" from the game. Might want to change their name to something less horrific sounding, or Nintendo will probably say "no way man."
Last edited by caidicus; Mar 18, 2017 @ 12:33pm
falo Apr 3, 2017 @ 11:32am 
Would totally buy a second copy on Switch.
OmegaDestroyer Apr 3, 2017 @ 1:17pm 
I would absolutely buy this (again) if it came to the Switch.
Butts McGee Apr 4, 2017 @ 11:30pm 
Beyond that, he might not be able to publish it on consoles without removing the references to real drugs.

ESRB's a bunch of fuddy-duddies, and PEGI's even more insanely strict.

Heck, Fallout 3 was almost banned in AU because Med-X was originally Morphine.

Also Nintendo's always had a very heavy-handed family friendly policy. These days they've eased up on the violence and sex restrictions (MadWorld, Bayonetta 2) but drugs are still a strange taboo for them.
Last edited by Butts McGee; Apr 4, 2017 @ 11:30pm
I would like a mobile version as long as the controls are good. I have seen too many bad mobile ports.
well if this comes for the switch i will have to buy a switch first, and then buy the game, and give it to my little siblings, they need to appreciate good game making if they want to grow up healthy
caidicus Apr 8, 2017 @ 3:42am 
Originally posted by Judge_Penguini:
I would like a mobile version as long as the controls are good. I have seen too many bad mobile ports.

I think that's why a Switch version would be preferable. No crappy touchscreen workarounds for controls, just good old fashioned joysticks and real buttons.
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Date Posted: Mar 18, 2017 @ 10:42am
Posts: 12