

Siege Camp  [developer] Aug 9, 2017 @ 3:55pm
Community Server Test
EDIT: Due to the high volume of requests, we will most likely not be adding new community servers in the near future. However, please submit your application anyways so we can contact you when we open up the program to more users. Thanks!.

It was initially not a priority for us to support community servers for Foxhole. However, due to the size of the player base, the diversity of communities that exist, and the demand that we've heard for for it, were going to be taking some steps towards supporting this.

To start, there will be a testing phase for community servers where the Foxhole team will be provisioning servers (i.e. providing hardware, installing and running the server) and users will be given access to operate the server (i.e. change maps, set certain parameters, etc). Eventually, we'll consider releasing the server as a public application so that users can provide their own hardware and have complete control. We are taking this approach to ensure that server performance is guaranteed initially and for security reasons.

For the initial testing phase, we will be offering servers rentals for free to a select group of communities. If you are part of an existing community, please submit the application below. We will be selecting communities based on their size and involvement/standing with the Foxhole community in the past. Availability will be extremely limited at first, so don't be discouraged if you do not receive a response.

Apply Here[]
Last edited by Siege Camp; Aug 22, 2017 @ 3:05pm
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Spono Aug 10, 2017 @ 8:16am 
NIce :)
I applied for a server.I'm a Chinese player who sends e-mail to you.:steammocking:
[=KSK=]Stuffz Aug 11, 2017 @ 11:39am 
Hello Foxhole Team,

i am the Leader of since 2010. I do the application for an New German Speaking Server. The only 1 German Server is most 24/7 Full and we have queque from 25-50 User.

I have a long Experience about Multigaming Clans, Community Management and as Game Master. KSK-Germany build a new Structur and have some New Websites, Game Server, Facebook Pages, Twitch, Youtube etc. My Community is German speaking with Austrians, Swiss, Dutch and German Peoples.

We will Help to support and promote this amazing Game and want to build a bigger German speaking Community around Foxhole. Take my Experience and let us do a good work and partnership together. When we have some Server, we spent lot of public Slots on TS3 Server for a better Support and Gameplay for the german speaking Community around Foxhole.

We will help with some Questions and support the new Soldiers around Foxhole on German Servers.

With best regards and greatings from Germany,
CEO/Leader of Multigaming Clan since 2010
Mick Boom Aug 14, 2017 @ 8:52pm 
Hi I'm the owner of FOXHOLE MILSIM GROUP. I'm looking to try a test server out for foxhole. Currently I have a DAYZ community with about 3800 members, and a Foxhole Milsim Group that's been around for about a week with about 110 members. We are growing everyday and have big plans with foxhole. Having a server for our community would be great, I would love to show the foxhole community what I have to offer with a server that I could run that is Milsim based. Ex: Clan vs clan, I think i could really bring out the competitive players of foxhole with a Milsim server. Hopefully we could talk for me to elaborate more.

Thank you for your time....
Also I've filled a app out already
Last edited by Mick Boom; Aug 14, 2017 @ 8:53pm
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Date Posted: Aug 9, 2017 @ 3:55pm
Posts: 4