MMORPG Tycoon 2

MMORPG Tycoon 2

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From the Discord

21/01/2025, 04:21
Just an update - Trevor is working through the last little bits for this next release to Test. Sorry it has taken so long, but we've got a list of techs and I think with this we have actual in-game effects working for all of them (all of the ones on this list - it is not the full list we have had previously). Once we can ensure we have this all working as expected, we should be good to release these techs and the bugs work. I'm hoping this week, if the internal testing goes well.

After that we know we have another release to Test before we're ready for the full release to the public - a few more details to cover over, and some decisions to make about what is in this update and what we kick down the track.

So... Almost there!

I'll post this because the devs are very insular and don't seem to want to give this kind of info where its visible.

I'm not in the "The game is abandoned" or "the game is a scam" camps, but I am in the "These devs have major project management issues" group. I'm not even excited about this update as I doubt it will have a flatten terrain tool, weapon/gear customer or more in-depth combat ability mechanics.

Still, they've said in the past that this update will lay a lot of behind the scenes groundwork for faster future updates... but they've already shown that the scale of this project is a bit much for them, so take any of that with a lot of salt.
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Yeah i keep seeing these abandoned posts. it would be nice to get more updates on here from the devs. I follow them on discord but not everyone does.

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