MMORPG Tycoon 2

MMORPG Tycoon 2

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alasknbrat Dec 29, 2024 @ 2:58pm
can you play the games you make
I want to buy this game and am wondering if you can play the game after you make the game. If you cant are there any plans in the future to make it so you can.
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なかの30 Dec 30, 2024 @ 9:38pm 
Come to think, that's actually a good question.
Can one make characters and play as them on the game?
Beside makes me wonder how the npcs would behave with the human player if that's the case.
you can only play or "take control" from an already created character by someone else in your game or with a npc you placed, but there is no way at the moment to create your own character
yes and no, you make the world, enemies, quest, rewards, player classes, spells, and all that stuff. then players will pop into your game and play. you can "make" your own character by taking control of a player character and it plays kinda like wow. when your done, add that player to your favorites, so you can track them and take over any time
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