MMORPG Tycoon 2

MMORPG Tycoon 2

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Zeromentor Sep 12, 2024 @ 12:02pm
Needs an Undo Button.
There might already be one, but if there is I haven't seen it. I was building a massive city, castle walls, tons of scenery, and then accidentally placed one thing I didn't want and decided to delete it...

Ended up accidentally deleting an entire area, with dozens of things I had placed. I'd probably only deleted like 10 minutes worth of work, but I'd really appreciate an 'Undo' button.
< >
Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
FRH_HerrGeneral Sep 13, 2024 @ 5:30am 
Hi, haven't played the game much since this update but I'm pretty sure there is an undo button with the new terrain editor. Not sure how far it goes into the undoing tho
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
>"tHe GamE nEEdS aN uNDo BuTtON" 🤡
>doesn't know about ctrl+z, literally one of the first things anybody computer literate ever learns
>absolute kek
Originally posted by Đ⨹ɢ:
>"tHe GamE nEEdS aN uNDo BuTtON" 🤡
>doesn't know about ctrl+z, literally one of the first things anybody computer literate ever learns
>absolute kek
Cute. But the game didn't have a UI button for 'Undo' originally, genius. And no one should just assume that Windows shortcuts are going to be used inside of a video game, either, otherwise why doesn't my F11 key make all games fullscreen, and why doesn't my 'Delete' key erase enemies?

Also, I bought this game when it originally came out, and it wasn't until May of 2024 that the Dev even added a 'Undo' function, which was an update that I missed, and because it didn't work before, and a UI element was not added in a location that was easily seen I missed it, thus the first part of my post, "There might already be one, but if there is I haven't seen it."

But thanks for trolling. Your Internet Points have Increase by a collective Zero, and no one notices that you exist. In roughly 3 minutes I'll have forgotten this post exists just like I didn't take the time to read your user handle. Adios, foolish child.
BG1K Jan 12 @ 4:26pm 
Originally posted by Zeromentor:
Originally posted by Đ⨹ɢ:
>"tHe GamE nEEdS aN uNDo BuTtON" 🤡
>doesn't know about ctrl+z, literally one of the first things anybody computer literate ever learns
>absolute kek
Cute. But the game didn't have a UI button for 'Undo' originally, genius. And no one should just assume that Windows shortcuts are going to be used inside of a video game, either, otherwise why doesn't my F11 key make all games fullscreen, and why doesn't my 'Delete' key erase enemies?

Also, I bought this game when it originally came out, and it wasn't until May of 2024 that the Dev even added a 'Undo' function, which was an update that I missed, and because it didn't work before, and a UI element was not added in a location that was easily seen I missed it, thus the first part of my post, "There might already be one, but if there is I haven't seen it."

But thanks for trolling. Your Internet Points have Increase by a collective Zero, and no one notices that you exist. In roughly 3 minutes I'll have forgotten this post exists just like I didn't take the time to read your user handle. Adios, foolish child.

you got this heated from such a small message? Also, whenever I try to undo in ANY game like this I do CTRL + Z. It usually works.
Originally posted by BG1K:
Originally posted by Zeromentor:

you got this heated from such a small message? Also, whenever I try to undo in ANY game like this I do CTRL + Z. It usually works.
You added emotion to something that I held zero emotion in, so thanks for reading into that.
Second, I have one game installed on Steam that Control+Z does anything in. 1. Of hundreds. So that anecdote is pointless as well.
Also, I bought the game around 2020. The 'Control+Z' update was like May of 2024. I started replaying the game in September of 2024, didn't see the update and was not aware of it suddenly working. It actually did nothing in this game until May of 2024.

And then, "There might already be one, but if there is I haven't seen it." in the Original Post.
So... Yeah. An answer would have been simple, instead a random troll says some random pointless garbage that adds nothing but an insult into a thread. But yeah, thanks for adding more random pointlessness in this.

Also, I type a lot and quickly, and ramble a lot. Obviously. So until I get a notification on Steam I'll quickly forget this post exists until someone else decides they need to have some random person online give them 15 seconds of attention.
By the way, ^^ There's your 15 seconds of attention. I hope you feel better! =P
BG1K Jan 12 @ 4:58pm 
Originally posted by Zeromentor:
Originally posted by BG1K:

you got this heated from such a small message? Also, whenever I try to undo in ANY game like this I do CTRL + Z. It usually works.
You added emotion to something that I held zero emotion in, so thanks for reading into that.
Second, I have one game installed on Steam that Control+Z does anything in. 1. Of hundreds. So that anecdote is pointless as well.
Also, I bought the game around 2020. The 'Control+Z' update was like May of 2024. I started replaying the game in September of 2024, didn't see the update and was not aware of it suddenly working. It actually did nothing in this game until May of 2024.

And then, "There might already be one, but if there is I haven't seen it." in the Original Post.
So... Yeah. An answer would have been simple, instead a random troll says some random pointless garbage that adds nothing but an insult into a thread. But yeah, thanks for adding more random pointlessness in this.

Also, I type a lot and quickly, and ramble a lot. Obviously. So until I get a notification on Steam I'll quickly forget this post exists until someone else decides they need to have some random person online give them 15 seconds of attention.
By the way, ^^ There's your 15 seconds of attention. I hope you feel better! =P

sure is a lot of words when you could just say "yeah he hurt my feelings and I have poor problem solving skills"
< >
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