MMORPG Tycoon 2

MMORPG Tycoon 2

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Tormunda May 26, 2021 @ 2:24pm
What are you Banning Methods for Cheaters?
Just interested.

Personally I am just giving a warning to anyone lev 3 or lower.

At level 4, If they are using the multi-sale cheat: I check if they already have a warning, then ban them.

At level 5+ x2 Speed hacks gets banned if they have a warning.

Level 6+ Gold Farmers get banned if they have a warning.

Would love to know how you handle it.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Alex San Lyra May 26, 2021 @ 5:05pm 
I completely ignore cheaters. I find it tedious and annoying taking care of that ♥♥♥♥. It should be a job for the GMs, especially after you reash 10k+ players and hire a dozen GMs.
Tormunda May 26, 2021 @ 5:08pm 
Originally posted by Alex San Lyra:
I completely ignore cheaters. I find it tedious and annoying taking care of that ♥♥♥♥. It should be a job for the GMs, especially after you reash 10k+ players and hire a dozen GMs.

I agree it is tough work when I have large numbers of players.
Maybe if the game added some kind of drop down options for the GM.s
First strike, warning.
Second strike, temp ban.
3rd. Perma Ban.

This also depends on how the game is going to react if the player base is allowed to have hacks and cheats. In RL, this would cause a large drop in subs.
Ayin May 26, 2021 @ 6:29pm 
I only ban duplication exploits because then have thousands of gold
SyntacksVT Jun 23, 2021 @ 12:06pm 
I only use the banning system to amuse myself when I've hit a creative roadblock, but generally:

Speedhacks = Warning > Ban
Goldfarmers = Immediate Ban
Dupers = Immediate Ban

Homie don't play.
Отиум Jun 23, 2021 @ 1:51pm 
AFK gold farming scripts = No action, this is perfectly fine in my game.
Speed hack = instant ban, no warning.
Item dupe = instant ban, no warning.

But yeah, I agree that you should be able to offload this to GMs and choose the action that should be taken. Like they get 1 warning, but repeat offenders get banned.
NeoKuro Jun 23, 2021 @ 2:00pm 
I think it does in a way doesn't it? I've hired a bunch of GMs in my game and noticed the amount of tantrums / complaints has gone down. I also recently doubled my active users and haven't really noticed any cheaters when I get bored and have a gander?

I know you can't define the punishment system / penalty, but I'm sure the GMs do enforce cheaters?
I've been micromanaging it as well, but does it influence the game in any way in MMORPG Tycoon 2 even? I noticed, when I pause and ban like 20 players for item duping, my subscriber count doesn't even go down.
NeoKuro Jan 25 @ 3:05pm 
Originally posted by Miv エリオット:
I've been micromanaging it as well, but does it influence the game in any way in MMORPG Tycoon 2 even? I noticed, when I pause and ban like 20 players for item duping, my subscriber count doesn't even go down.

I imagine subscribers or revenue might dip slightly. But if you have hundreds of players and a few cheaters because there's zero automation tools for GMing I don't think it will make much of a dent

I've also never noticed an impact from player opinions etc if you totally ignore cheaters as well. Maybe my Legit:Cheaters ratio was just too low all the time to affect those stats, but I just didn't see the point in engaging with that aspect of MMO2

I've not played in quite a while, but I imagine eventually (if not already) there will be better moderation tools + bigger / meaningful impacts of cheaters on your game

I imagine ignoring cheaters will encourage others to cheat exponentially which eventually will impact your game ratings etc. And I'd be shocked if we don't get auto-mod tools eventually (Imagine you have like 10000+ players and hundreds of cheaters spread out over 11 zones xD )
try out the beta, it has new features for cheaters and toxic players
NeoKuro Jan 26 @ 3:06pm 
Ooo nice, I'm waiting a little bit to head back into the game for a big chonky content patch xD

But glad to hear there's new moderation features :3
Originally posted by smokauweeds:
try out the beta, it has new features for cheaters and toxic players
it's so nice. but i am struggling more than i did with the live build of the game xD but i like the changes overall.
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