Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

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Ghostface May 9, 2019 @ 1:10pm
Better than Diablo?
I loved Diablo 3 when it came out, but I got bored of it. Is this better than that? I never played the original all those years ago so I don't know what to expect.
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Walternativo May 9, 2019 @ 1:16pm 
Diablo is Story. Titan Quest is a great game
Accordinance May 9, 2019 @ 1:20pm 
Titan Quest is a great game. Graphics isnt modern for sure, but it have its unique antique atmosphere like no other rpg-slasher game.
Comparable with Diablo 2. Was one of the best diabloids for years. Recommendable for sure.
Rampage May 9, 2019 @ 2:21pm 
Diablo 3 is a very bad game. You should play diablo 2
Recu May 9, 2019 @ 2:51pm 
Better than Diablo 3 = yes, but it is kinda old and slow game, so not everyone could like that
VukasinDordevic May 9, 2019 @ 3:04pm 
Originally posted by Recu:
Better than Diablo 3 = yes, but it is kinda old and slow game, so not everyone could like that

Slow?! You know you can change it to normal and fast in options right? Titan Quest can be very fast!
LeoFIN uTube May 9, 2019 @ 4:52pm 
Titan Quest and Grim Dawn are my favorites.
The main difference is Titan Quest is a historical period setting. If you love stuff like the stories of the Greeks you'll love TQ. Its hard not to like Titan Quest still one of the best ARPG's around.
Last edited by Slim Jim's Popcorn; May 9, 2019 @ 8:33pm
Originally posted by Rampage:
Diablo 3 is a very bad game. You should play diablo 2
Haha yeah last i heard still has quite a community.
Originally posted by Vukasin_Dordevic:
Originally posted by Recu:
Better than Diablo 3 = yes, but it is kinda old and slow game, so not everyone could like that

Slow?! You know you can change it to normal and fast in options right? Titan Quest can be very fast!
With run speed max'd out and amp'd up using gear along with insane attack speed very fast indeed :p
Last edited by Slim Jim's Popcorn; May 9, 2019 @ 8:35pm
DedZedNub May 9, 2019 @ 8:43pm 
There are tons of good YouTube Videos describing all this. I'd recommend Pohx's comparisons, he doesn't seem to have any TQ videos though. He does for Grim Dawn. He breaks it down in many ways. At least for Grim Dawn. TQ is similar, but does not have the Devotions, and several other features, nor the darker atmosphere.

TQ has Skill Tree Masteries, and you can choose up to 2 to create Hybrid Classes. There is a ton of loot in the game.

It is set in ancient times. It starts slower than Diablo series and is less foreboding. It has less dark ambiance than Grim Dawn which is built on a revised version of the same foundation.

Diablo 3 looks more cartoony to me, stylized.

On sale, Titan Quest is an incredible value. But if you don't like a slower start and don't like the graphics, which I personally like, then either look at Grim Dawn which is darker and moodier and has some enhancements, or consider Path of Exile.

If I immediately find the YouTube video I recommend I'll post it. If not there is a guy who is about 30ish who did Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, Diablo 3, and Diablo 2 comparisons -- and his videos are very, very good and he makes an excellent case on how to know if you will like it or not.

TQ is considered one of the best classics of the genre. Arguably Diablo 2 is the iconic best, PoE and GD are about even given depending on a lot of differences, and TQ/Torchlight 1 and 2 are up there as well.
Last edited by DedZedNub; May 9, 2019 @ 8:49pm
Diablo3 compared to POE, not even close. POE is prob the best free ARPG ever made. Plus it features Moa's :p
Archize Ragni May 9, 2019 @ 9:02pm 
Would stick with D2/TQ if anything.
They are different games. Diablo 3 is more about the manual skill of clicking, timing, positioning, cooldown management, and item build choices. Titan Quest is more about min-maxing, stat/number crunching, and making sure your character is up to snuff for the difficulty you're doing.

Since you never played Titan Quest I'd consider skipping right to Grim Dawn. Titan Quest has BY FAR better environments, but otherwise is clunkier and more dated. Grim Dawn streamlined a lot and has very smooth feeling combat instead of obviously queueing actions like some Neverwinter Nights mod.
Starbridge May 9, 2019 @ 10:06pm 
I love Greek mythology, so this was a game I loved from the minute I installed and played. I would say, its more like D2-ish than anything. Most of the zones are set tiles so you find a secret room once, its likely always going to be there. Perk to this game is there is a tool set so if you are feeling froggy, you can make your own maps and play with friends.
Ghaleon May 9, 2019 @ 11:53pm 
TQ is my fave game of it's type except for maybe Path of Exile. Path of exile is fun if you like challenge (it starts off cake, but by chapter 6 the difficulty goes way up unless you're a vet and have great gear or market resources or wealthy friends or something.. but playing with your own drops only by chapter 6 and not being good at marketing? good lord!

I like this game way more than Diablo 3, and I haven't even tried the last 2 expansions! However I have a friend who likes diablo 3 more because he likes the power fantasy aspect of it.. D3 is way better at making you feel liike you're playing on godmode. kill hundreds of enemies every damn second they are truly trash compared to you. In this game battles are actual battles and not SEE WHO CAN CURB STOMP MILLIONS OF DEMONS THE FASTEST.
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Date Posted: May 9, 2019 @ 1:10pm
Posts: 15