Condemned: Criminal Origins

Condemned: Criminal Origins

♥♥♥♥, this game is scary.
I'll buy it when i grow bigger balls.

Kudos to the devs tho.
I played MANY horror games with no problem but when i tried this at a friend appartment, i nearly ♥♥♥♥ my pants.

I do intend to buy it one day because this is such a masterpiece.
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Great game, the scare factor is immense. Mostley due to thee creepiest atmosphere I have seen in a game.
Mannequin Museum place is scary as hell.
game was relatively short, 5 hours, But it got me from the beginning til lthe end.
So how does it compare to Bonehoard or Cradle? Or Call of Cthulhu? Or Alan Wake? Or original Alone in the dark? Or System Shock 2? What about Vampire the Masquerade Hotel? Quake? F.E.A.R.? DooM 3? Seeing the ghost in Traditions of the Trade for the first time?

What about comparing it to reading SCP wiki and creepypasta at 2 am, by yourself in a secluded forest cabin in the middle of nowhere in winter and hearing a noise in your kitchen?
Dernière modification de The Cunning Fox (raZoleg); 20 mars 2016 à 14h11
Hetmon a écrit :
So how does it compare to Bonehoard or Cradle? Or Call of Cthulhu? Or Alan Wake? Or original Alone in the dark? Or System Shock 2? What about Vampire the Masquerade Hotel? Quake? F.E.A.R.? DooM 3? Seeing the ghost in Traditions of the Trade for the first time?

What about comparing it to reading SCP wiki and creepypasta at 2 am, by yourself in a secluded forest cabin in the middle of nowhere in winter and hearing a noise in your kitchen?
Urgh, I happen to have a ♥♥♥♥-load of SCP`s on different tabs >.> They are so addicting, Especially if you havent kept up, And then they added new ones.
i`d compare it a bit to FEAR 1, Doom 3 definitly, Before BFG though, Even though u can have the light AND a weapon, BFG wasnt scary.
Yeah, tell me about it. It's what I read to get to sleep when I get all insomniac. Can tell most of them by the number without reading the actual thing. :grin:

You mean the Doom add-on, cause the BFG is the "gold" version I think. I have the Ressurection of Evil on CD, not in steam. Way I remember it - too short, too "meaty" (except maybe that part when you get the double-barelled and all the walls open and zombies swarm you, I had my palms sweating after that not because it was scary but because my health was extremely low by that time). I've had a good time with the original DooM 3, however, so I agree there. I still run it sometimes and quit after the first zombie that's the scientist who turns on you. Still gives me the creeps.

Anyway, it's 5:40 am, I guess I'm about to find out what this game is like for myself.
Dernière modification de The Cunning Fox (raZoleg); 20 mars 2016 à 14h42
Hetmon a écrit :
Yeah, tell me about it. It's what I read to get to sleep when I get all insomniac. Can tell most of them by the number without reading the actual thing. :grin:

You mean the Doom add-on, cause the BFG is the "gold" version I think. I have the Ressurection of Evil on CD, not in steam. Way I remember it - too short, too "meaty" (except maybe that part when you get the double-barelled and all the walls open and zombies swarm you, I had my palms sweating after that not because it was scary but because my health was extremely low by that time). I've had a good time with the original DooM 3, however, so I agree there. I still run it sometimes and quit after the first zombie that's the scientist who turns on you. Still gives me the creeps.

Anyway, it's 5:40 am, I guess I'm about to find out what this game is like for myself.
have fun! i sure had :) its pretty scary if you "let yourself get scared" play like you are * expect something behind every corner)
the BFG one ( for PS3) was a port, idk if it was "HD" Upgraded aswell, But you could enable the fleshlight on your torso rather then holding one in your hand.
Thanks! It was actually quite unnerving, but as of now I still find F.E.A.R. (beginning-wise) creepier.

And don't you mean "flashlight", I'm no grammar nazi, it's just... fleshlight... on body... instead of hand... :trolol:

The image of doomguy chasing imps around with a fleshlight is something that should be put in digital by id. Now I can't get the picture out of my mind.
Dernière modification de The Cunning Fox (raZoleg); 21 mars 2016 à 1h59
Hetmon a écrit :
Thanks! It was actually quite unnerving, but as of now I still find F.E.A.R. (beginning-wise) creepier.

And don't you mean "flashlight", I'm no grammar nazi, it's just... fleshlight... on body... instead of hand... :trolol:

The image of doomguy chasing imps around with a fleshlight is something that should be put in digital by id. Now I can't get the picture out of my mind.
LMAO! I just noticed that, I generally dont care about spelling, I am not writing a formal letter nor am i writing to the Queen of Britain.. If somebody responds with "OMG LOL YOUR SPELLED x WRONG HAHA!" You did not debunk my opinion/fact

But this was really sloppy :P ! My aplogies haha!!!!
the second game is the creepy one and not this one
The game is full of a LOT of jump scares... but it's done sort of like a Tarantino film. You know something bad is going to happen, but it tends to draw it out and build up the tension before it actually does. There's one scene in particular where you have to do something to progress, but you're sitting there thinking "I know something is going to happen... so I don't want to do this thing..."

People who have played it know what I'm talking about.

The game also has a really great underlying story element concerning cults, subliminal messaging, and insanity. It's never really explicitly stated how it all ties into the game, but if you pay attention you can fit the pieces together yourself.

I didn't like the second game at all though. It was too different in my opinion. The supernatural elements in the first game were more subdued and part of the aforementioned background storyline of the game... then the second comes along and just keeps throwing it in your face.

To compare, I'd say the first game is like a really good episode of the X-Files... and the second is like A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Fear is subjective, i played this game when i was just 10 years old and i was totally amazed by the atmosphere and brutality.
Thanks! It was actually quite unnerving, but as of now I still find F.E.A.R. (beginning-wise) creepier.

And don't you mean "flashlight", I'm no grammar nazi, it's just... fleshlight... on body... instead of hand... :trolol:

The image of doomguy chasing imps around with a fleshlight is something that should be put in digital by id. Now I can't get the picture out of my mind.

This might just be the best typo I've seen on Steam -- ever. If it could only be a meme...:steammocking:
the department store level is probably the creepiest from all level imho
Guys, this topic is really old. You all should just move on.
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