Airport Madness 3D

Airport Madness 3D

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Need some more Madness in your life? (Carrier Deck)
I hope the Dev doesn't mind, but I thought this might be worth a mention to all the Airport Madness fans out there.

If you remember Airport Madness 4 and have fond memories of the Aircraft Carrier level. If you wish you could play something a little deeper, but with as much Madness as that level, well, there's a new game out that may satisfy that itch.

It pretty much works in a similar vein as AM4's Carrier level except you have to be more hands on with the aircraft, assign them missions to sink ships, subs and other aircraft. You then have to bring them back into land. Like in Airport Madness, crashes may result!

This may tie you over until the possibility of an Aircraft Carrier level in AM3D... Here's a YouTube vid of some gameplay:

Viimeisin muokkaaja on Saracen26; 17.6.2017 klo 14.50
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That looks like fun! And yeah, I would love to see carriers and mil bases too in this game.

Hey! How about Area 51! And for fun, have a flying saucer as one of the 'planes'! hehe :D It could be a user setting for those who might be annoyed by it.

I don't know anything about military airports though and which ones would be cool. I would just start with the biggest most complex one for the most action, or maybe start with a simpler one and then do the complex one.

You know, it would also be cool to have carriers from different countries, like U.S. U.K. Russia, China, etc., and the different international planes as well. So much potential!
Viimeisin muokkaaja on spaceboy; 18.6.2017 klo 13.07
Your ego is writing cheques your body can't cash, son! But I'm going to write a check and pick this one up, looks like fun. Thanks for the heads-up!

EDIT: It's a fun game worth the asking price. It isn't as freeform as AM, as you have to do a number of things in a particular order to keep your ship safe. Being a deck boss is more like playing Diner Dash with airplanes. The UI isn't as elegant as AM's either. The military setting is fun, though.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Twelvefield; 20.6.2017 klo 12.46
Actually quite fun for what it is. Definitly a lot of multitasking and prioritizing fun, and it sounds like some gamplay revisoins are coming to make it more balanced.
It definitely needs some patching!
Well, I bought it and have been playing it for 3 days now. I must say, I'm having a blast! I think they've done a fabulous job with it all the way around. I have run into a couple of minor issues but I imagine they will be addressed. (Ftr, it's not really competition for AM.....too different)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on spaceboy; 21.6.2017 klo 14.30
The new patch improves it quite a bit, and the dev has promoised more are in the works.
Thx for the tip
There's a new beta which makes Carrier Deck great! It's very, very addictive.
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