Team Fortress 2
Why do people constantly switch to spy?
Alright so this is something I have noticed which is really, really, really annoying, I'm on a team, as spy, we are all doing fine, I get a few chain kills, or use the ambassador for some long range kills, the usual, but for some annoying arse reason, two, or three people will switch over to spy. On a team of 10 people you don't need three or four spies, I mean seriously. Why do people do this? It criples the team and we end up losing because it's all support classes.

Why the heck do people do this? What is their thinking in this?
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 17 ความเห็น
i switch to spy if our spy is doing nothing or is plain terrible, usualy i just switch to do something such has remove a sentry nest or kill a few heavy and medic pairs that are stopping our team from advancing, then ill switch back to the class i was playing before. :Fleur_de_Lys:
Cause 90% players in TF2 are kids. Wait til some of them have a mic, they'll teach you how stupid you are for using stock weapons or how you lose health rocketjumping so you better not etc. Each next time is more stupid than the one before, I facepalm even though I thought I saw and heard everything. But no, they still surprise me and I honestly see WHY they play Spies, Snipers, non-building Engies, straight running Scouts, melee Medics... I can't even think of something as stupid as what they say and do on regular basis.

Just hope you and them are in different teams.
jks 19 มี.ค. 2014 @ 4: 23am 
Coz they are inspired by you.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Husky306:
Cause 90% players in TF2 are kids. Wait til some of them have a mic, they'll teach you how stupid you are for using stock weapons or how you lose health rocketjumping so you better not etc. Each next time is more stupid than the one before, I facepalm even though I thought I saw and heard everything. But no, they still surprise me and I honestly see WHY they play Spies, Snipers, non-building Engies, straight running Scouts, melee Medics... I can't even think of something as stupid as what they say and do on regular basis.

Just hope you and them are in different teams.

Yeah I've heard a few, it killed my ears.

I think I may have had one as an engi in one game, he didn't use any chat, and would only fix his own buildings, not the other engi's even though we were guarding intel, I told him he can fix others as well the same as he fixes his but he just didn't do anything. Maybe it was a bot of some kind, I don't know.
some people have a bad team spirit, they see a spy doing great and then this happens in their mind: "wow spy so OP i need to use spy"
there was a match once when i dominated 10 from 11 on the enemy team with my medic. Everybody knows how easy it is jsut heal the right guys and you know what happened right? yes almsot 6 of my team switched to medic and started to heal pyro i healed xD.
-{SALT}- (ถูกแบน) 19 มี.ค. 2014 @ 5: 38am 
To get easy revenge kills?
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Ajay:
some people have a bad team spirit, they see a spy doing great and then this happens in their mind: "wow spy so OP i need to use spy"
there was a match once when i dominated 10 from 11 on the enemy team with my medic. Everybody knows how easy it is jsut heal the right guys and you know what happened right? yes almsot 6 of my team switched to medic and started to heal pyro i healed xD.

Oh god.

Related to medics, have you guys ever seen a couple medics get together to troll the enemy. I mostly have seen it on trade servers, but they both get an uber, run out, and when the enemy sees them one medic uses his ubercharge, when it runs out the other does, it's pretty funny.
Damnit it happened again, a really nice control point match, we wer doing well, I was only halfway up the leaderboard, someone else was spy shortly after I joined but then two more people turned spy and we started losing control points.

This is just getting so annoying, I just quit those servers. There should be a cap on the number of spies or something :/
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย XOIIO:

Oh god.

Related to medics, have you guys ever seen a couple medics get together to troll the enemy. I mostly have seen it on trade servers, but they both get an uber, run out, and when the enemy sees them one medic uses his ubercharge, when it runs out the other does, it's pretty funny.

Its called "Uberchaining"
You get two medics with the ubersaw and default medigun. One uses ubercharge, the other uses ubersaw, so 4 melee hits recharges their uber. You can pretty easily get 4 or 5 ubers in a row off in cycle if the other team isn't paying attention and/or abusing pyros.
I'm always changing my class to avoid it. Heavy, medic and demonman are the most absent
I've seen and I don't know why. I think at the tutorial should be a teamwork part or something like that.
team of 7 players, two spies, I reccomended the spy change to engi to protect our intel since they were taking it easily, and now we have four engineers.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย XOIIO:
I mean seriously. Why do people do this? It criples the team and we end up losing because it's all support classes.

Why the heck do people do this? What is their thinking in this?

Combination of "selfish" and "stupid."

They see a good spy - who's spent time and effort learning the class - owning; and they go "derp, he's doing well, I bet I could get free kills!", then they not only fail but ruin it for the good spy too.
Same with Sniper.

Another factor I think is the "carry" - they find they're stomping because of carrying + decent team-composition, and don't realise that if they deviate from correct team composition they'll stop stomping and the people carrying them won't want to support them any more.
those other guys that switch to spy see this:
Tah guy gets kills - guy is spy
It's deffintly the class that's doing it!
I go spy - i get killz

And for that they are idiots.
noobs gon noob
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 17 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 19 มี.ค. 2014 @ 3: 54am
โพสต์: 17