0_0 Dec 31, 2017 @ 12:32am
What does red circle with slash mean?
Next to my microphone symbol, there is a red circle with a slash through it, like a cancel sign. What does this mean?
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Originally posted by jacobellinger:
it means that someone in the room started a vote to kick a player and if you open your menu there should be a person listed on the upper left with the same symble. if you click it you can vote to kick that person. I don;t know how many people it need to actualy vote yes it might take the whole room or just more than 50% of the people in the room.
no, no, no. it means your microphone is currently not active, and that people cannot hear you. once you press v (on desktop) and hold it, the microphone will activate and what you say SHOULD be heard from your avatar. i am no audio wizard and am expecting my mic to not work once i start playing, so can;t help you out after that.
Jesus Titty Jan 16, 2018 @ 12:41pm 
Originally posted by Finnthefirst97:
Originally posted by jacobellinger:
it means that someone in the room started a vote to kick a player and if you open your menu there should be a person listed on the upper left with the same symble. if you click it you can vote to kick that person. I don;t know how many people it need to actualy vote yes it might take the whole room or just more than 50% of the people in the room.
no, no, no. it means your microphone is currently not active, and that people cannot hear you. once you press v (on desktop) and hold it, the microphone will activate and what you say SHOULD be heard from your avatar. i am no audio wizard and am expecting my mic to not work once i start playing, so can;t help you out after that.
Jacob was correct, he said NEXT to the microphone, not ON the microphone.
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Date Posted: Dec 31, 2017 @ 12:32am
Posts: 2