Creeper World Anniversary Edition

Creeper World Anniversary Edition

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More/faster ammunition
Just started yesterday with CW1 and it's fun so far. One question: How to increase the production of ammunition ? My Blasters at the direct frontline are always short to no ammunition. What to do?
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75Karsten May 22, 2022 @ 6:20pm 
collectors create energy. There are other units (name escapes me now) that allows you to store more as well.
TheCravenComic Jun 28, 2022 @ 6:10am 
you either need to produce more energy or speed up how fast the packets get to the blasters using relays
SnoopDraugg Jan 10, 2023 @ 10:47am 
There's two problems you could have here:

1. Energy supply. If the only packets you are producing are red ammo packets (i.e. you don't have anything else in construction and you aren't charging the totems), Collection needs to be higher than depletion.

2. Route distance. It takes time for your packets to reach their destinations and eventually the route becomes too long for your city to reliably keep the weapon supplied.


1. If your supply is too low, the answer is simple: Make more energy. If you're running into a situation where you are supplying enough energy for normal operations but you find that when you start building something, your guns become depleted; then that's a good time to deploy some storage nodes to act as a buffer. Storage doesn't really solve the problem but it at least delays it and with careful management of your construction energy usage, that may be enough.

2. There's a couple of different solutions here. The simplest one is to deploy some speed nodes. You can also use relays to create a more direct route. Shortest distance between two points is a straight line. It might not seem like all those little deviations from the direct route in your collector grid would make that much of a difference; but it adds up.

Now, me, personally, I don't do either of those. I don't have to. I spam collectors. I'll cap one or two of the creep wells with blasters and cover the whole map, if I can. As for the routing issue... well.... with a little planning and some trial and error you will probably find that you don't need nearly as many weapons as you think you do. It's not so much about having a ton of weapons as it is about having the right ones in the right places. A single mortar, for example, can absolutely wreck the creep's flow if placed correctly.

Good luck and happy creep hunting!
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