Sue Jun 27, 2018 @ 1:13am
More environment that are reactive to the beats!
I feel that current "reality" world is too shallow, perhaps we can get a "flashy" environment where they reacts to the beats of the song played? Could be the lighting, objects in the environment itself, etc... Would be cool in my opinion!
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jashan  [developer] Jun 27, 2018 @ 1:56am 
I agree :-) ... and it's on the roadmap, but currently with lower priority.

With "reality world", do you mean "Paradise Beach" (Level 1 from Story Mode), or the "real world" environments in general (Paradise Island, Above the Clouds, Dolphin Party and so forth)? Currently, Retro Clubbing is the environment that has music reactivity most fleshed out. We also have a bit in Mutant Club ... but yeah, that's definitely something to expand upon.

I'll move this to the subforum Feature Requests, so we have all features requests in one place.
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