10 gold for a win? And a Pack cost 1000 gold?
So the dev's intention is asking the players to buzz off from the game if you are not paying?

100 matches for 1 pack of card is insane..

Is this how all the free CCG works nowsaday?
< >
Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Atmaz  [developer] Mar 9, 2017 @ 8:19am 
Just to be clear, in case anyone is confused about the information from yesterday's patch notes[www.faeria.com]
We have made several changes to improve the early game experience for new users, including many enhancements to the prologue levels and a series of User-Interface tutorials that should help introduce new players to Faeria.
We’ve made massive improvements to our rewards and progression system. Our goals here were to provide more incentive for logging in each day, while at the same time making the whole experience a little more dynamic and interesting. In general, we’d like to front-load the amount of rewards a casual player receives just by logging in every day and completing their Daily Quests.

  • Each player now receives a gold bonus the first time they log in to Faeria, every day. This bonus gets larger over time with consecutive logins, and has special rewards at the end of each week.
  • Mini-Chests are a new type of in-game reward, which you will receive as a reward after every victory and each time you level up. Usually, a Mini-Chest will contain a random amount of Gold, but they can hold other items too…
  • The rate of levelling up has been increased to be **3x faster than before**. At each level up, the player will receive one Mini-Chest.
  • The ability to choose a card at each level up now appears every 10 levels, in the form of a Mini-Chest, and will never contain Common cards. While we still think this system is a great way for a player to be able to increase their collection, it too often left you with a negative feeling when getting a Common card after a long period of grinding your level out. Therefore, we’ve made level up rewards more consistent throughout, cranked up the pace of them, and spaced out valuable card choices.
  • The amount of Gold, or equivalent value, contained in a Mini-Chest can vary, but on average will be higher in a Mini-Chest awarded for leveling up than one given after a victory.
  • Solo content rewards have been improved by adding mid and long-term objectives in order to better reward a players’ progress in this mode.

tl;dr: The gold rewards you're used to from before have been shifted to other places, such as the new Daily logins and from raw experience gained. The end result is a progression system roughly the same speed as before, but redistributed to cater more toward the first hour of play (along with Daily Quests and First Win of the Day bonus, that still exist).

The significance of shifting wins to raw experience gained means that you will gain rewards over time whether you win or lose, which should make it much more forgiving for new players who find it difficult to win a game and progress, and is one of the major driving factors to these changes.

In addition to all this, we believe there may be a bug that is making the mini-chests for winning a game award 10g far too often. It's intended to be a much more diverse range of values.
velocipeder80 Mar 9, 2017 @ 8:33am 
Thank you for the response and explanation!

Atmaz  [developer] Mar 9, 2017 @ 8:36am 
No problem!

Sorry this wasn't made very clear for you. We're working on improving this.
Mr_Bump Mar 9, 2017 @ 4:21pm 
You might try and spin this as "massive improvements', but it's not. 10g per game bug aside, this 1.0 release sees a BIG reduction in the FTP gold earning. Daily quests are all reduced in reward (Ultima is now just 600g??! All the Quests that were 500 are now 400), Gold Fountain is reduced (apart from some supposed RNG - we'll see) and 1st win of day now nets just 100g rather than 200! And all this is supposed to be offset by some log in rewards that don't seem to amount to very much; 4 chests in 15 days I roghly work it out to be. I could easily be opening 2 chests a day with winnings and my gold fountain pre 1.0 - I very much doubt I will be now!

And I say this not as some whiny FTP try hard - I have spent money on Faeria and I love the game (hell, I bought the new Steam Pack yesterday) - but I do expect to be able to have a FTP experiance as well, and I wonder if all this really are 'improvements' or just ways to squeeze us all for more cash.
Ando Mar 9, 2017 @ 4:49pm 
having win/match rewards as the main source of gold is the most practical way. it's the most apparent and obvious to players when they are playing. having rewards spread out through levels rewards, chest rewards, etc. is nice, but the fact still is that 100 games to earn 1 pack lol

also, it promotes activity to have win rewards higher. but i guess devellopers are trying to prevent people from farming hours and hours. then again, hearthstone/blizzard has the luxury of capping rewards because they have millions of players, so activity is not their biggest concern.
Last edited by Ando; Mar 9, 2017 @ 4:50pm
Mr_Bump Mar 9, 2017 @ 5:05pm 
Actually the daily rewards are worse than I thought:


That's 1560g (1 and a half chests), 1 Standard Chest and 1 Mythic Chest.

Yes, getting a Mythic chest at the end is nice, but tbh, they are way down my list of priorities until I have a full set of standard cards.

The sad thing is, pre 1.0 there was incentive to log in daily, win a game and then also incentive to play and win futher games. Now all there is incentive for is to log in and maybe win one game and then what? Go back to Hearthstone? I will wait and see how the win reward plays out once it's 'fixed', but it seems to me the incentive to actually play and win games is way down.
Last edited by Mr_Bump; Mar 9, 2017 @ 5:09pm
Micromegas Mar 9, 2017 @ 6:11pm 
Don't forget that you now get gold rewards for leveling up and that the leveling up is now faster. And you level up even after losing games.
Last edited by Micromegas; Mar 9, 2017 @ 6:12pm
Mr_Bump Mar 9, 2017 @ 6:56pm 
Originally posted by Micromegas:
Don't forget that you now get gold rewards for leveling up and that the leveling up is now faster. And you level up even after losing games.

Yes, but we've lost the free card every level - that is now only every 10 levels. I dunno about you guys; yes, I have leveled up a lot since the 1.0 release (mostly because I bought the Steam Bundle and spent my gems on the single player content), but I don't seem to get very much from the level up mini chests - 60 or 80g for the most part. That's worse than a single win 2 days ago!! It looks like you need about 6 wins to level up. That would have net you 600g before - now it gets you 60g + 60-80g for the level up. Even once the 10g per win bug is fixed, the faster leveling won't be even close to the previous system - not unless the level up rewards improve dramatically.
Last edited by Mr_Bump; Mar 9, 2017 @ 7:46pm
WireDawg Mar 10, 2017 @ 1:12am 
Originally posted by Mr_Bump:
Originally posted by Micromegas:
Don't forget that you now get gold rewards for leveling up and that the leveling up is now faster. And you level up even after losing games.

Yes, but we've lost the free card every level - that is now only every 10 levels. I dunno about you guys; yes, I have leveled up a lot since the 1.0 release (mostly because I bought the Steam Bundle and spent my gems on the single player content), but I don't seem to get very much from the level up mini chests - 60 or 80g for the most part. That's worse than a single win 2 days ago!! It looks like you need about 6 wins to level up. That would have net you 600g before - now it gets you 60g + 60-80g for the level up. Even once the 10g per win bug is fixed, the faster leveling won't be even close to the previous system - not unless the level up rewards improve dramatically.
Why bother complaining there are better CG's out there. Just uninstall and let this thing fall on it's face.
Last edited by WireDawg; Mar 10, 2017 @ 1:12am
velocipeder80 Mar 10, 2017 @ 1:20am 
Dear Atmaz [developer]

The 10 gold bug is still not fixed as from time that i am posting this.

Won 10 games and 3 out of it gave 10 gold. 2 of 10 games gave 20 gold :steamfacepalm:

The way i look at it is

1. Either increase minimum winning to 50 gold and reduce the max gold by the same amount.

2. Or reduce the chest cost.

You are going to hurting your player base if this is not sort out fast.

Elder scroll: legend is comming out in a week and i am sure many players will leave this game. It has the same level/reward system as this and accordingly they reward active players much much more.
VonFIDDE Mar 10, 2017 @ 1:31am 
Elder Scroll Legend is already out right? Anyway its way easier to grind a deck in that game then in Faeria, also the store in Faeria is overwhelming in a negative way. You don't need gold + gems it's just confusing, and you never have insanly high goldprices cuz how fun does that look? you have prices at a lower point but rewards give a lower amount.
Micromegas Mar 10, 2017 @ 1:41am 
Originally posted by velocipeder80:
Elder scroll: legend is comming out in a week and i am sure many players will leave this game. It has the same level/reward system as this and accordingly they reward active players much much more.

The reward structure might be a problem (or not, I don't know). But why should people leave this game because another game is comming out in a week? There are several new games coming out every day and there are many games with somewhat similar game mechanics - that's the characteristic of games belonging to the same genre. Faeria is unique enough that it doesn't need to fear other games. So it boils down to the question: Can you enjoy the game? If not then you probably will stop playing it whether there are other games coming out or not.
Lambent Mist Mar 10, 2017 @ 2:53am 
They should increase the gold rewards from everything. I don't think getting 2 chests a day is too "OP". It just feels like you are making some meaningful progress.

Even if everything is left as it is now, it is as fast, if not faster, to get "packs" in Faeria as it is in Hearthstone.
Last edited by Lambent Mist; Mar 10, 2017 @ 4:53am
Kissagram Mar 10, 2017 @ 3:02am 
ok guys lets make some math, here is a scenario for you :
a player plays 15 days straight, 10 games per day, 6 of them are wins.
average 9 wins per level (before) => 3 wins now

daily quests : 15 x 500g = 7500g
wins : 6 x 15 x 100g = 9000g
levelup : 16 levels (150 games / 9), lets says you get 1 epic(800g), 2 rare(2 x 200g) and 13 common cards (1300g) = 2500g
Total : 19000gold

Now :
login : a complete card = 1560g + 1 chest(1000g) + 1 mythic chest(3000g) = 5560g
quests : 15 x 400g = 6000g
wins : 6 x 15 x 50g average = 4500g
level up : 50 levels : 1 epic(800g), 4 rare( 2x 400g) + 45 minichest avearage 150g =7150g
total : 24210gold

i may have some estimation wrong about levelup and win minichests, but you got the idea : levelup gives you much more reward than wins now and that compensate largely even if you play 50games a day

Mr_Bump Mar 10, 2017 @ 10:59am 
Originally posted by WireDawg:
Why bother complaining there are better CG's out there. Just uninstall and let this thing fall on it's face.

I dunno man, I've spent a reasonable amount of time with Legends, Gwent and Duelyst and I think on balance Faeria is better then all of them.
< >
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Date Posted: Mar 9, 2017 @ 8:12am
Posts: 24