Motion Sickness
Played the demo and I'm interested in the game, but it made me very motion sick. I made sure the FOV was on, sensitivity was low, frame rate was high and smoothing/blurring was off. However, none of that seemed to help.

Any chance we'll be able to make the game full screen (no black bars on top and bottom) and have a FOV slider in the future?

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electrolyte*  [Fejlesztő] 2016. nov. 21., 0:51 
Hi, thanks for the comments and sorry it's making you feel queezy. I'll look into how viable an aspect ratio on / off setting will be. I will need to check the UI doesn't get messed up, as minimal as it is :)
Thank you for replying. My only guess is that the black bars are causing my motion sickness as they limit the view. I can play other games like Alien Isolation and Bioshock with no issue.
electrolyte*  [Fejlesztő] 2016. nov. 22., 10:35 
Cool, will look into it :)
Same problem here. Have a headache after two hours, but I like the setting a lot.
electrolyte*  [Fejlesztő] 2017. jan. 24., 1:03 
I'm still looking into exposing the aspect ratio to the player, not as simple as you think. The wide aspect was by design but sorry to hear it's making you feel a bit queezy!
Thank you!!
same here. played 90min and had to quite. The thing is, i never ever had this before in any game. Will refund it sadly.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one :steamsad:
I was almost beginning to think I was completely impervious to motion sickness in videogames - across hundreds of titles, various framerates, FOVs never bothered me... until ICARUS.1 that is. Got slightly sick in the very first chapter. Funny
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Jeb!'s Third Term 2024; 2017. okt. 27., 12:04
bump on the motion sickness. Wanted to hurl in minutes, tried dx11 and dx12, dialed settings down. I have an i9/1080 (3080 was ordered in Feb, only 4800 people in front of me now!)

I requested a refund and uninstalled, I cannot play it like this.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: pwndSteve; 2021. nov. 20., 16:46
electrolyte*  [Fejlesztő] 2022. aug. 18., 11:26 
Hi all

There was a patch made a while back that exposes FOV options to allow you to set this.

More info can be found here :)

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