Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Game in Poland is too expansive
The game in poland at this moment when converted from zł to Dollars costs 58,73 when in USA its only 49.99 Dollars
I think its unfair price for polish consumers to pay more than 1st biggest economy on earth
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From sales the lowest has been at 13.97 zł or about 35 zł in the past few months, so why do you think paying at full price is a good idea?

Arbuz575 Jul 26 @ 3:00am 
i mean i know its not but if somone has urge to buy game so much he has to pay more thank pepole in USA zloty is 4x weaker than Dollar so its unfair to pay that much for polish consumers
PDX Katten  [developer] Jul 26 @ 4:04am 
Hey, this might not help but itl explain it a bit.

We have an annual regional price adjustment but between that your currency can change value, etc. Thus making it more expensive in your country compared to for example USA.

They happen each January if Im not mistaken.
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Date Posted: Jul 25 @ 4:37pm
Posts: 3