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Reunion + Remako HD Graphics mod install guide
So recently I decided I wanted to replay FF7, and since there was a lot of buzz around a these mods I wanted to try them out. I discovered that getting them to work together was kind of a pain in the ♥♥♥♥♥ and I saw others where having issues as well. I managed to figure out how to get both to work so here is a install guide that hopefully will help you out.

I originally tried to post this on the Remako site but it did seem to except the post.

Note: This guide will focus on the Steam version (duh)
Note: I did not make any of these mods, if you have issues go their sites and ask for help

  1. First get a clean install of the game

  2. Go to the Ramako install guide download and install all the required software as instructed
    • You will be required to use the FF7 game converter and you may run into an issue with the FF7.exe is not working try applying the "run in 640x480 screen resolution option, don't worry if you follow the remako guide this won't be forced just gets around some issues starting the game

  3. go your FF7 install directory and rename the "FF7_en.exe" (ex: "FF7_en_steam.exe") This is important as this is the original steam exe, if this is present Reunion will patch this instead of the converted FF7.exe

  4. Install Reunion, found

  5. Now assuming you follow step 2, you should have 7th Heaven installed, update the Aali's modpath in the settings to <INSTALL_DIR>/mods/Reunion (Check the remako guide if you need help finding this)
    • You may be tempted to change the exe to one of the other in the install directory, DON'T. FF7.exe is what you want, otherwise thing will break

  6. Again if you followed the guide from step 2 you should have the remako mod installed on 7th Heaven, However you may have noticed if you tried to run the game after installing Reunion you no longer get the HD backgrounds, here is how you fix that:
    • in 7th Heaven go to Workshop > Pack/unpack .iro archives
    • go to the Unpack .iro tab and select the remako .iro file and unpack it to a temporary location (7th Heaven may hang here just let it do its thing)
    • Once unpacked go to the unpacked Remako HD Graphics Mod folder and copy the field folder to the Reunion folder form step 5.

  7. run the game form 7th Heaven and enjoy
Last edited by; Apr 14, 2019 @ 1:19pm
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Showing 1-15 of 65 comments
Xenogears Apr 14, 2019 @ 6:15pm 
7th Heaven 🤢🤮 Is it not possible to make a normal installer for Remako mod? Apr 14, 2019 @ 8:21pm 
I hope so, I kind of hope it will get rolled into reunion since it changes assets already, but since I don't really care about achievements and you can work around the cloud save by copy & pasting the save and open the steam exe, I think the better backgrounds are worth it.

Though I still would not want to do this regularly (hopefully I won't have to)
Kaldarasha Apr 15, 2019 @ 10:55pm 
So far 7th Heaven is currently the easiest way to mod the game. And the downpatch is needed for remako or the other background upscales, no matter if want to use 7H or not.
KorinFlakes Apr 22, 2019 @ 6:09am 
That kind of sucks unfortunately. The Game Converter doesn't work on *nix based systems and getting a working converted version on them is a nightmare. I really hope a solution that works with the steam version out of the box is made as it will not only help those of us who aren't on Windows but also the less tech oriented users to install the mods.

EDIT: Just realised that if you convert the game it still doesn't matter because you can't run the game through wine, through 7TH Heaven. Meaning the game will never launch with your mods.
Last edited by KorinFlakes; Apr 26, 2019 @ 6:36am
Mrbud420 💩 Apr 25, 2019 @ 11:08pm 
did everthing you said step by step 10x times over so tired of deleting redownloading game. I can never launch the game through 7th Heaven. I convert game, I have disk mounted, with no mods nothing happens, if I install Remako mod Only I get an ERROR when launching from 7th Heaven. If I set "run in 640x480 screen resolution" game will launch from 7th in a tiny box with no way to fullscreen.

Thats it waste of two hours really wanted to re play this game with these mods. Apr 26, 2019 @ 7:25am 
Like I said in my original post I didn't make any of these so I can't really debug this for you. The only thing I can recommend is to double check you followed the Install instructions provided by both Reunion, and Remako.
Tyrant001 Jun 28, 2019 @ 8:15pm 
I was able to install 7th Heaven and Remako, but now I want to add scanlines on top via Reshade, and, while Reshade is indeed launching, every time I click on an option (like CRT, scanlines, film noise, etc.) the whole screen goes black. OpenGl configuration. Any other workarounds in order to keep Remako but also use Scanlines?
Kaldarasha Jun 29, 2019 @ 6:53am 
I guess we have a in-game post shader for it but I need to look for it.
Estelyen Jun 29, 2019 @ 10:25pm 
Is there any way I can also load other mods from 7th heaven while still running remako+reunion in this manner? It has some other nice mods in its catalog :P Or will unpacking ALL of them into the reunion folder work?

Edit: Or let me rephrase that: Do you know a way to have JUST the Beacause retranslation from reunion and the rest of the mods from 7th heaven? The Beacause version that is in the 7th heaven catalog is outdated, that's the only problem I really have with 7th heaven :(
Last edited by Estelyen; Jun 29, 2019 @ 10:45pm
LagoGameZ Jul 1, 2019 @ 11:37am 
Is this fix just for the background of the remako mod or does it work in battle, world, and avatar too?

Sorry for my bad English Jul 1, 2019 @ 1:02pm 
@Estleyn I believe if you go through the reunion installer you can pick what you want, the only component that is required is the Because re-translation

@LagoGameZ This is only instructions on how to install both mods at the same time, this does not fix anything.

I believe that if you follow the same steps for any other 7th Heaven mod they should work, however I have not tried it.
LagoGameZ Jul 1, 2019 @ 3:12pm 
Originally posted by
@Estleyn I believe if you go through the reunion installer you can pick what you want, the only component that is required is the Because re-translation

@LagoGameZ This is only instructions on how to install both mods at the same time, this does not fix anything.

I believe that if you follow the same steps for any other 7th Heaven mod they should work, however I have not tried it.

The remako mod also has improved graphics for battles, for the world and for avatars, wanted to know if its instructions fit for these other remako mods

I hope you understood what I meant, my English is not very good, grateful. Jul 1, 2019 @ 8:24pm 
Originally posted by LagoGameZ:
The remako mod also has improved graphics for battles, for the world and for avatars, wanted to know if its instructions fit for these other remako mods

I hope you understood what I meant, my English is not very good, grateful.

I see, I was confused since I wrote this guide for the beta version of remako. However I just ran through it again using the v1.0 version. The only difference is that there are more .iro files and the movies step.

The only thing you need to do to support this is follow the movie step in the updated remako install guide and repeat step 6 for each of the other .iro files.

I just got this working and a I did confirm that worked for me.
Last edited by; Jul 1, 2019 @ 9:55pm
LagoGameZ Jul 7, 2019 @ 9:45am 
Originally posted by
Originally posted by LagoGameZ:
The remako mod also has improved graphics for battles, for the world and for avatars, wanted to know if its instructions fit for these other remako mods

I hope you understood what I meant, my English is not very good, grateful.

I see, I was confused since I wrote this guide for the beta version of remako. However I just ran through it again using the v1.0 version. The only difference is that there are more .iro files and the movies step.

The only thing you need to do to support this is follow the movie step in the updated remako install guide and repeat step 6 for each of the other .iro files.

I just got this working and a I did confirm that worked for me.

Yes, I did and it worked, it works too if you want to add the weapons battle mod, the spell texture mod, and the mod of field objects

Thank you for your help
KAZ MILLER Jul 11, 2019 @ 2:56pm 
I'm having huge issues, when I open it the textures are all bunk though the reunion menus are working fine. If I try to start a new game it just goes black, I feel I followed everything although I'm having a hard time understanding one of your steps
"You may be tempted to change the exe to one of the other in the install directory, DON'T. FF7.exe is what you want, otherwise thing will break" is this about changing the name of the ff7.exe to the "_bc" version I'm also so confused about all the 7th Heaven folders and where each should be going

i was able to get the hd texture pack working earlier but then the text was an unaligned mess, now it's the other way round
Last edited by KAZ MILLER; Jul 11, 2019 @ 3:03pm
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Date Posted: Apr 14, 2019 @ 12:48pm
Posts: 65