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Alternate Endings Analysis/Theory (massive spoilers)
Okay, this is going to get really lengthy but there's something I've noticed from playing this game time and time again that I can't seem to find anything about. So, as we all know you can get multiple endings based on how much certain characters like you. Mostly applies to Jonas (you either "bond" with him or keep him at a distance) and Clarissa (you either make up with her or your make her hate you) as Ren and Nona's end stats are about if they end up together. However, I feel like each character actually has three possible endings in terms of how much they like you, though the three endings are only separated into two different statistics. Here's why I say that (versions denoted as "rare" are simply the ones I've seen the least, personally):

Clarissa: Clarissa's is very subtle, I think? Obviously in the ending where you make up with her, the game talks about how she moved to the East Coast to study literature, and when you don't, she drops out and works at a boutique. But in some -- not all -- variations of the good ending, Alex will mention that Clarissa got a dog. I'm going to assume that this is the third "secret" ending where your relationship with Clarissa is even beyond the basic one where you make up with her.

Ren: Ren's three endings are a lot more obvious. There's a "good" ending, where, outside the cave, he's really nice to you and doesn't give you that speech about how "something broke" at all. The more neutral (and by far the most common) one is where he does give you that speech, but ends it with something to the effect of "I don't even know why I'm telling you this." Then in the "rare" worst version, he mentions during the speech that he doesn't even know why he and Alex started hanging out. It's occurred to me that this might just be a response to a particular dialogue choice rather than an actually separate ending, but as of right now, I don't know. In the epilogue, what Alex says doesn't change if Ren and Nona are together, but if they're not, she either talks about him going to college and mentions how he's recently started a band called Drunk Talk (presumably the "good" ending) or how he's off to college and she doesn't think she'll ever see him again (presumably the "bad"). The kind of strange thing is I've seen both these epilogues after "neutral" endings, which almost suggests Ren and Alex's relationship has 4 levels -- good, neutral + good epilogue, neutral + bad epilogue, and bad, which I think is really interesting.

Jonas: Jonas's three endings are all contained in the epilogue, like Clarissa's. The "good", obviously, is them bonding and becoming really close, and the "bad" is Alex and Jonas keeping their distance outside of family gatherings. But in the third -- the "rare" "neutral" ending -- Alex says something about how they hang out occasionally but aren't insanely close. Statistics-wise, this ending is paired up with the "bad" ending. The trouble with this one is I've literally only gotten it once, on my very first playthrough, which was over a month ago. I haven't seen it since and can't find anything about it, and I've honestly started to feel like I'm going crazy. But I know for a fact that those other characters have three different endings, so at this point I'm assuming it actually happened?

I don't have anything on Nona -- I think there's a chance that because she's not really directly connected to Alex in anyway, they don't have much of a "relationship" to build up or take down. Anyway, if any of you have had any of these "rarer" endings (esp. the Jonas one that may or may not exist), or if you have anything else to add, please let me know!
Ostatnio edytowany przez: johannalalonso; 5 lutego 2017 o 0:32
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Mora 5 lutego 2017 o 21:53 
When Alex asks Clarissa in the flashback something about Nona not being there, she says something like "she would shrivel up and die in this heat." That in addition to this post below is what has led me to believe that Nona is replacement of Clarissa's dog, just like how Jonas is a replacement of Alex's brother, and neither were on the island when it all started.

Początkowo opublikowane przez Crax:
I think the 'take notice of what you choose' is a way to ... How do I put this... Unite all the Alexs of parallel timelines to form a single, strongest timeline of events. You know, like many streams forming into a river. For what purpose I am not sure - the most logical explanation will be to use that combined river to break away from the loop, I guess?

I have a theory regarding the megaphones. So, when you glitch into a small time loop you need to adjust them to make it right again, correct? As you spin in a circle, it is akin to slowly syncing the small time loop with the larger one until they match each other and sync, thus equalizing both times and 'pop' you back to the bigger time loop.

So, okay, whoo. This is going to be hard to write. Anyway, what I want to say is that this bigger time loop Alex is trapped in, as the ghosts say is caused by none other than herself.

Let me put this from the beginning. There are 3 types of time loops here. One, the True Timeline where the universe loops in an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Two, the time loop Alex is trapped in where she infinitely replays her experience in the game, and also the one the ghosts are trying to escape. And finally three, the smaller time loops that traps her for a brief period in the 2nd timeloop.

So, pheeeeeew this is going to be huge. As you know, in the game Jonah is the one who got engulfed by the final megaphone, correct? However, I am going to make a bold theory here saying that during the First Encounter in the True Timeline, it isn't Jonah who got engulfed by the megaphone, it was Alex. In fact during the First Encounter, Jonah has never been to the island in the first place.

But back to that in a minute. The reason here is Michael. We never understood why he came into the picture, and the only link - the direct link to the equation is the megaphones. Remember how Jonah complains that he had heard tens of times the familiar tune of his mother's voice? That was what happened to Alex. She was lured by MICHAEL'S VOICE every time she passes by and uses the megaphone, experienced incredibly real dreams where she went back to the past, and in the end at the bomb shelter she succumbs to the temptation and uses it, which established the second eternal recurrence and the completion of the 2nd timeloop (the game).

So, a short summary of my First Encounter events.

1) I believe that during the first Encounter, only Alex, Ren and Clarissa AND CLARISSA'S DOG are the ones who went to the island. Alex was attracted by the light, and by coincidence and curosity she accidentally traps all of them in the time interference the ghosts created.

2) The ghosts are trying to escape a time loop, although I can't say for sure which one until I've gotten all the Addler letters and secret messages. Most likely the True Timeline, since they have witnessed the end and rebirth of universe.

3) Remember that your first task is to save Ren or Clarissa? I emphasis again that that's the original gang. Jonah or Noona are not a part of it. In fact, Noona... No I will talk about that later. Moving on, Alex saves Ren and then goes to save Clarissa.

But she failed. Clarissa jumps off the building and kills herself.

4) Blah blah blah, moving on, Ren and Alex gets in the Addler Estate to try and escape with the boat. But at the Addler Estate the ghost challenged Alex to a puzzle, and Alex FAILED, causing Ren to vanish (I'm fairly certain the last person to disappear, the one that really matters is Ren, right?).

Then Ren drowned, matching her failure to save Ren.

5) In the cavern Alex finally figures out what the ghosts are planning, and came up with an insane plan of her own. Throughout the journey she has been turning the megaphones and causing the time interference / rip caused by the ghosts to LOOP ON ITS OWN, and if she performs the last acts then she can complete the 2nd time loop and go back to the past. So that she can FIX HER MISTAKES.

Do you get it? Alex INTENTIONALLY COMPLETED the second time loop so that she can reverse Ren and Clarissa's death. Have you ever played the rope puzzle where 2 people are tied together by ropes looping around their wrists? If it's too hard then think simpler: 2 circles looping around each other that can never be separated, and in this case 2 eternal recurrences, Alex's and the ghosts'.

6) Everytime the 2nd loop restarts, Alex doesn't remember anything. However, she gets premonitions, dejavus, and the recognition of a timeloop before anyone else because she is the creator of this 2nd timeloop.

This makes me think that the original Alex, the first Alex is a rude and complete ♥♥♥♥♥. We saw in Alex's dreams that Clarissa is actually a great person who cares deeply for Alex, but in the game the most prevalent thing you notice from her is her blaming Clarissa, IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!' 'Saw the man but not the dog' indicates that Alex may even have HURT the dog, heck, she might have KILLED the dog - remember that scene where Noona told Alex to stay away? Yeah, that - causing THE unhealable rift between the two.

8) Okay, now for more explanation. I said before that Noona is not originally part of the First Encounter, right? That's because she isn't. She is a replacement for Clarissa's dog to keep Clarissa from remembering the decisive factor that broke Alex and her relationship decisively. Let me explain why.

Over the course of many loops Alex subconsciously grows up and wants to make amends for all the wrongs she has done. Like the players who reloads trying to create the perfect ending, that is EXACTLY what Alex is trying to do.

At first, well, she just wants to make Clarissa suffer and you get to make her as bloody miserable as possible with the Michael breakups. Then, she grows up a little and wants to make amends with her, but this is impossible because of the dog's death.

That is where Noona came in. From Ren's description and her own memories, she remembers Noona and at the beginning of a time loop, subconsciously pulls her into the loop. But it is impossible for her to pull Noona in permanently since she can't fight the Original Timeline, so what can she possibly use to bind Noona permanently into her timeloop?

She used the megaphone. Just like how Jones wanted to talk to his mother, Noona wanted to talk to her grandfather. Therefore by using the megaphone not only she stabilizes her own timeloop, she also integrated Noona into her own. Noona, the 3rd eternal recurrence of her loop.

9) Finally we come to Jonah, who is the latest victim of Alex's timeloop and also THE game that we are playing. As you know it is ultimately impossible to change time and since Michael died, he can never appear in her timeloop. So it's not hard to see that Alex wishes for a stepbrother, or perhaps a stepbrother turned into boyfriend since Ren and Noona are like, such a pair...

I don't need to say what she used to stabilize his existence in her world. The megaphone, ayup.

10) So finally we're at the end of a full circle. The megaphones, I theorize are stabilizers that appear naturally in any distorted timeline (such as the one caused by the ghost to escape the Original Timeline) in order to rectify the error.

However. Because Alex is originally a person of the Original Timeline, when the ghosts enlisted her help they unwittingly screw themselves because she keeps operating the stabilizers and correcting all of their distortions.

What they did not expect however, is Alex wanting to fix her own mistakes... No, wait, maybe that was the plan all along...? Completed the 2nd time loop and caused it to be detached from the Original Timeline. The stabilizers that are supposed to correct this error instead became tuned to stabilize ALEX'S WORLD instead, so even if time distortions and rifts appeared they are patched up by Alex's own hands.

If this is the escape the ghosts truly wanted... And I believe it probably is, then they absolute bloody succeeded. They are no longer trapped in the Original Timeline and they no longer have to face the end of the universe. They have Alex to fix any distortions so they can continue this existence of their own choosing forever...
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Mora; 5 lutego 2017 o 22:14
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