Five Nights at Freddy's 4

Five Nights at Freddy's 4

MrCafecito May 7, 2016 @ 7:57pm
Any chance one of your games may get ported to a console?
I think most of your games would sut a console very well, specially the Wii U, have you ever thought about porting one of them to a console?
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Showing 16-30 of 126 comments
Scott  [developer] May 8, 2016 @ 6:45am 
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)
fugi May 8, 2016 @ 6:54am 
MrCafecito May 8, 2016 @ 7:10am 
Originally posted by Scott:
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)
Great! Thanks for replying Scott!
Helen Keller May 8, 2016 @ 7:11am 
Scott, which consoles do you mean? Nintendo is one I am guessing :P
DJ Sterf May 8, 2016 @ 7:34am 
Originally posted by Scott:
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)

Wouldn't Chowdren be an extremely fast option for this? It's a CTF runtime that is capable of console + Mac + Linux porting, though I'm not sure on the pricing in your case since the series is extremely well known. It may be worth looking into, as well.
Scott  [developer] May 8, 2016 @ 7:52am 
I looked into that but decided against it. I'm hoping that Clickteam eventually has that kind of functionality built in, as it would greatly increase it's ability to compete with other engines like Unity. But right now, having to go to 3rd parties each time I want to port a game isn't a good long term solution.

(EDIT: This comment only pertains to me exporting the games myself, as responding to the comment above. The games will not be ported, they will be remade.)
Last edited by Scott; May 8, 2016 @ 11:34am
TLPenn May 8, 2016 @ 8:01am 
Originally posted by Scott:
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)
Here's hoping for 3DS/Wii U port! :D:
Last edited by TLPenn; May 8, 2016 @ 8:02am
Speedwagon May 8, 2016 @ 8:03am 
Originally posted by Scott:
I looked into that but decided against it. I'm hoping that Clickteam eventually has that kind of functionality built in, as it would greatly increase it's ability to compete with other engines like Unity. But right now, having to go to 3rd parties each time I want to port a game isn't a good long term solution.
Still gonna try and hope for FNaF on PS4 some day.
DJ Sterf May 8, 2016 @ 8:39am 
Originally posted by Scott:
I looked into that but decided against it. I'm hoping that Clickteam eventually has that kind of functionality built in, as it would greatly increase it's ability to compete with other engines like Unity. But right now, having to go to 3rd parties each time I want to port a game isn't a good long term solution.

Gotcha...seems wise if you're keeping all that's within your capacity in-house. I'm guessing the pricing on it (i.e. Chowdren) would be exorbitant at this point in the series? I know they're building CTF 3 from the ground-up, and there are a few preview videos up already, but ehh, it'll be quite a while until that's generally available. We'll see if it comes with the holes left in 2.5 (e.g. Mac support). I guess on the cool side, with a remake, we could get a 1080p-or-higher set of games! lol @ 4K Freddy Jumpscare

Also -- if you're still learning Unity, sweet. You go through any C# yet? That's going to be a major language in the coming few years. :)
Last edited by DJ Sterf; May 8, 2016 @ 8:55am
Anubisty May 8, 2016 @ 8:45am 
Originally posted by Scott:
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)
Are you maybe asing Nintendo to add FnaF World? I'm fine with that
Dragon King May 8, 2016 @ 9:20am 
Originally posted by Scott:
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)
You've been busy, haven't you Scott ;)
ErikFlammond May 8, 2016 @ 9:31am 
Originally posted by Scott:
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)
Which consoles are we talking about, Scott? I would love to play it on my Xbox 360.
Originally posted by Toy Bonnie Ze Geek:
Originally posted by Scott:
Actually, yes! It will happen. I'm talking with a few companies who are interested in doing console remakes of the original games. :)
Are you maybe asing Nintendo to add FnaF World? I'm fine with that
and then we have amiibo fnaf world figures
Boxohobo May 8, 2016 @ 10:05am

The Dream is already that much closer to reality.
fugi May 8, 2016 @ 10:11am 
Originally posted by Boxohobo:

The Dream is already that much closer to reality.
This looks nice.
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