Knotty Wood Aug 20, 2024 @ 6:22am
Exhaustion Limit
Can someone explain to me how exhaustion limits work? Thanks
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
CHR3S Aug 20, 2024 @ 6:59am 
It limits how long you can craft, build, basically play on that server within the time the server gives you periodically.
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Aug 20, 2024 @ 7:24am 
Calories can only be spent during the time before you are exhausted, afterwards they cannot be used anymore - e.g. no work orders, etc. Vehicle usage can be configured by the server admin, transport vehicles continue to work by default, but not work vehicles.
Knotty Wood Aug 20, 2024 @ 12:32pm 
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis:
Calories can only be spent during the time before you are exhausted, afterwards they cannot be used anymore - e.g. no work orders, etc. Vehicle usage can be configured by the server admin, transport vehicles continue to work by default, but not work vehicles.
Is that per real day or game day?
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Aug 20, 2024 @ 3:56pm 
Based on the day as configured by the server, the reset time can be set so it fits with the general timezone of the main audience. It is shown in the tooltip for the exhaustion bar.
Last edited by SLG-Dennis; Aug 20, 2024 @ 3:56pm
Sefin Aug 21, 2024 @ 6:54am 
Who told you guys (devs), this was a good thing to implement? I specifically look for servers now with this turned completely OFF. I'm genuinely curious who thought that implementing a feature that prevented players from making stuff in a crafting game was a good idea?
Aramitz Aug 21, 2024 @ 7:09am 
Originally posted by Sefin:
Who told you guys (devs), this was a good thing to implement? I specifically look for servers now with this turned completely OFF. I'm genuinely curious who thought that implementing a feature that prevented players from making stuff in a crafting game was a good idea?

Having players with very varied levels of activity inevitably leads to massive asset/wealth differences, which are something servers are overall pretty terrible at managing. Exhaustion is a good thing.
As with every parameter, it's best because it's displayed in the server browser, so if that's not what you're looking for you can just skip it and look for another place.
Knotty Wood Aug 21, 2024 @ 7:13am 
Originally posted by Aramitz:
Originally posted by Sefin:
Who told you guys (devs), this was a good thing to implement? I specifically look for servers now with this turned completely OFF. I'm genuinely curious who thought that implementing a feature that prevented players from making stuff in a crafting game was a good idea?

Having players with very varied levels of activity inevitably leads to massive asset/wealth differences, which are something servers are overall pretty terrible at managing. Exhaustion is a good thing.
As with every parameter, it's best because it's displayed in the server browser, so if that's not what you're looking for you can just skip it and look for another place.
I think this is probably one of the key reasons people abandon servers around day 3. There always becomes a click that controls everything and the rest of the people just cant catch up. I like the exhaustion limit thing. Keeps it more fair.
Sefin Aug 21, 2024 @ 8:20am 
Fair? Exhaustion limits certain people but not others. Limiting a few and not others is not FAIR at all. Just a poor attempt to keep everyone at the same level.
Knotty Wood Aug 21, 2024 @ 8:24am 
Originally posted by Sefin:
Fair? Exhaustion limits certain people but not others. Limiting a few and not others is not FAIR at all. Just a poor attempt to keep everyone at the same level.
How does it limit some but not others? It gives everyone an equal amount of time to do work on a server. If you dont want to play on an exhaustion conscience server play on one that doesnt have that turned on. Its an optional feature not mandated. Im not entirely sure why this is such an argument?
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Aug 21, 2024 @ 11:06am 
Originally posted by Sefin:
Who told you guys (devs), this was a good thing to implement? I specifically look for servers now with this turned completely OFF. I'm genuinely curious who thought that implementing a feature that prevented players from making stuff in a crafting game was a good idea?

A large amount of especially newer players and such with less time. It's actually the main reason why people don't stick around in Eco - being unable to keep up with other players that have more time to invest into the game.

The system is fully intended so that people with more time get matched onto servers with more time and the other way round. You can set your playtimes and personal exhaustion preference in the game settings and adminstrators can also set it as they desire for their audience on the server. The match score will adjust based on how the two settings fit.

Everyone is of course free and supposed to choose a server that is fitting for their personal way of playing.

Exhaustion does apply to everyone on a server equally.
Last edited by SLG-Dennis; Aug 21, 2024 @ 11:08am
Elwadeo Dec 12, 2024 @ 3:26am 
How do I turn it off?
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Dec 12, 2024 @ 3:33am 
When pressing ESC -> World Settings just turn off the checkbox.
Personally, I think it's a great feature. Someone complaining about a feature most servers don't even use should choose something else to complain about.
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