Graydient05 Dec 9, 2024 @ 6:20pm
why is loggers luck/ cleanup crew not implemented?
it makes no sense that this specific skill hasn't been implemented yet at this point. it has been years and you haven't even finished the handful of perks that are in this game?
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
NiceGuy Dec 9, 2024 @ 7:45pm 
Yes very disappointing, I started again after a years' brake and it's still missing.
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Dec 10, 2024 @ 3:15am 
There is a full rework of the talent system ongoing, hence the old talents are not being worked on anymore.
NiceGuy Dec 10, 2024 @ 4:56am 
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis:
There is a full rework of the talent system ongoing, hence the old talents are not being worked on anymore.
I did not know this, is there a timetable when this will hit the servers? At least something like in 6 month or 2 years...😀
Graydient05 Dec 10, 2024 @ 5:01am 
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis:
There is a full rework of the talent system ongoing, hence the old talents are not being worked on anymore.
huh. that's cool to know, just would have been good to have a fully working system before having to wait for a rework, as simple and integral to the game-play loop as they are. the tree one is especially sad to be missing as the tree harvesting loop is very very time consuming as compared to most other resource harvesting. explosives and tractors help with mining, but neither help with trees. the logging perk not working either is quite frustrating.
Simulations were never designed to be instant gratification machines.
Graydient05 Dec 10, 2024 @ 2:03pm 
Originally posted by ShadowDragonOfTheNorth:
Simulations were never designed to be instant gratification machines.
what are you even talking about? what does that have to do with the conversation at all? I am nearing the end of tech progression and you are talking about instant gratification? did you even read this? do you know what a video game is? simulation in a video game is an aspect of the design, this is a survival crafting game with an element of ecological simulation. I don't know how wishing a skill would work instead of being WIP has anything to do with instant gratification or simulations. I have cut down hundreds of trees at this point, wanting something that would speed it up a bit doesn't match "instant gratification" at all, and it was planned to be part of the game anyway. you need to think before you type.
"the tree harvesting loop is very very time consuming as compared to most other resource harvesting. explosives and tractors help with mining, but neither help with trees. the logging perk not working either is quite frustrating"

Cutting trees is hard, im going to whine about it taking less than one second for me to do it.

Simulations were never designed to be instant gratification machines.
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Dec 10, 2024 @ 9:16pm 
Originally posted by NiceGuy:
I did not know this, is there a timetable when this will hit the servers? At least something like in 6 month or 2 years...😀

Unfortunately I can't provide an ETA. I can say that the reason for the rework is that the system is very limited from a technical standpoint and doesn't support more in-depth design goals well. It's probably not news for anyone that for most talents there is a clear choice and that they're not very interesting.

Most of the current talents, including WIP ones, may not be part of the new system. Instead it is intended to provide ways around specializing further in professions (including such that have no selectable specialty, like transporting) by providing benefits around specific expertises of an specialty, while giving drawbacks for all other parts of it - e.g. one would get more efficient for specific parts of the job, but loose efficiency for all others. The choice of a talent is supposed to become an actual decision of thought and planning and always come with a drawback as well, but also support better economical gameplay with niches for players to specialize in, having less competition on servers where the specialty is common.
Last edited by SLG-Dennis; Dec 10, 2024 @ 9:34pm
Cattastrafy Dec 11, 2024 @ 12:06pm 
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis:
Originally posted by NiceGuy:
I did not know this, is there a timetable when this will hit the servers? At least something like in 6 month or 2 years...😀

Unfortunately I can't provide an ETA. I can say that the reason for the rework is that the system is very limited from a technical standpoint and doesn't support more in-depth design goals well. It's probably not news for anyone that for most talents there is a clear choice and that they're not very interesting.

Most of the current talents, including WIP ones, may not be part of the new system. Instead it is intended to provide ways around specializing further in professions (including such that have no selectable specialty, like transporting) by providing benefits around specific expertises of an specialty, while giving drawbacks for all other parts of it - e.g. one would get more efficient for specific parts of the job, but loose efficiency for all others. The choice of a talent is supposed to become an actual decision of thought and planning and always come with a drawback as well, but also support better economical gameplay with niches for players to specialize in, having less competition on servers where the specialty is common.
Perfect, more stuff to support large servers, and hinder the (vast majority of) servers with few players!

But white tiger isn't where y'all get your feedback/ideas, /wink.

As long as new perks don't make it too miserable for one person on the server to do everything they need to do if they're the only one, whatever I guess.
Seth Dec 11, 2024 @ 6:58pm 
Chiming in to say I wrote a mod for level 6 logging talent that allows debris to be picked up without using calories or tool durability. Our players seem to like it. Let me know if you would like to check it out.
TheFounder Dec 17, 2024 @ 8:25am 
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis:
Originally posted by NiceGuy:
I did not know this, is there a timetable when this will hit the servers? At least something like in 6 month or 2 years...😀

Unfortunately I can't provide an ETA. I can say that the reason for the rework is that the system is very limited from a technical standpoint and doesn't support more in-depth design goals well. It's probably not news for anyone that for most talents there is a clear choice and that they're not very interesting.

Most of the current talents, including WIP ones, may not be part of the new system. Instead it is intended to provide ways around specializing further in professions (including such that have no selectable specialty, like transporting) by providing benefits around specific expertises of an specialty, while giving drawbacks for all other parts of it - e.g. one would get more efficient for specific parts of the job, but loose efficiency for all others. The choice of a talent is supposed to become an actual decision of thought and planning and always come with a drawback as well, but also support better economical gameplay with niches for players to specialize in, having less competition on servers where the specialty is common.
it already literally has been years that this talent been broken. Since people asked for it, you have implemented boats, an MTX store, reworked the upgrades system, got explosives, painting and new building blocks, but implementing a talent for logging to bridge the gap till the rework is to much work >.>
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Dec 17, 2024 @ 8:47am 
As mentioned, the talent isn't broken, but has never been implemented due to the talent system not supporting it well enough. Over the course of development we have decided that talents should have a different design purpose compared to now and as such the vast majority of current talents are not planned to be part of the new talent system - as such there isn't really any need to bridge the gap, as there is no gap.

I understand that it is unfortunate that a few professions have diminished talent options, but that is pretty much the case for all others as well, as there is nearly always an obvious choice, which is another reason for why the talent system needs to change drastically. It unfortunately makes no sense to rework it twice just to add a talent that will be removed later on again.
Last edited by SLG-Dennis; Dec 17, 2024 @ 8:48am
TheFounder Dec 17, 2024 @ 12:41pm 
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis:
As mentioned, the talent isn't broken, but has never been implemented due to the talent system not supporting it well enough. Over the course of development we have decided that talents should have a different design purpose compared to now and as such the vast majority of current talents are not planned to be part of the new talent system - as such there isn't really any need to bridge the gap, as there is no gap.

I understand that it is unfortunate that a few professions have diminished talent options, but that is pretty much the case for all others as well, as there is nearly always an obvious choice, which is another reason for why the talent system needs to change drastically. It unfortunately makes no sense to rework it twice just to add a talent that will be removed later on again.
logging is an exception since its not a diminished option, but it has NO option. I get most people go with the same option for each profession, but logging has been at a disadvantage for years while modders have already provided a solution, one guy wrote like 3 lines of code to get a working talent. If it was weeks of development work i'd understand but with testing it shouldn't be more then an afternoon and would have saved you from the " MTX before logging lvl 6 talent" meme that went on when the mtx was implemented. I bet more people have asked for a lvl 6 talent at this point then for an mtx store :)
Afrozzi Dec 17, 2024 @ 1:44pm 
Talent rework has been "in progress" for ages, don't hold your breath.

Resources seem stretched very thin lately compared to a year or two ago if you check their codestream. It would be wise to temper your expectations going forward.
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