I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a limitation of my PC
I'm not posting it as a bug report, because I'm not sure if it's the game or my PC. I'm not confident enough in either option to say one way or the other. Getting to the point, I have a goofy little single-player map to just muck about with, with options tuned for the fastest, easiest game-play possible. Cheap building costs, maxed out building speed. Etc. (Closest thing to creative mode possible at the moment, without making the game TOO boring.) However, when I start large scale building projects and go to bed to speed up the production the game just crashes. It doesn't do this on normal crafting speed. My guess is just too much being done at once at such a fast speed. For instance, I'm crafting 5,000 nails at 16 nails per unit. When I sleep, my game CTDs. This same thing happens for any large production project after getting the speed boost perk in the jobs (z) menu.

I guess my real point behind posting this is to see if I'm the only one experiencing this.
Originally posted by SLG-Dennis:
I'm not able to reproduce the issue with this file, but the settings are indeed extremely at the border of what is possible at most of the settings, especially in regard to the CraftTime, CraftResource and ConnectionRangeMultiplier (the latter having an explicit warning of having severe performance impact at doubling already, you 10x it) - I'd hence recommend to check if that issue also happens with more normal settings.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Aug 29 @ 12:59am 
What is the exact settings you use in
I'm going to be honest here. I'm what a few people call "an idiot" and spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out why the website wasn't working, before it dawned on me that it was a file name. LOL

Anyway, here it is.

"GameSettings": {
"DesiredNumberOfPlayers": 4,
"HoursPlayedPerDay": 3.0,
"CollaborationLevel": "NoCollaboration",
"GameSpeed": "Normal",
"SimulationLevel": "Generous",
"ExhaustionEnabled": false,
"HasMeteor": false,
"AllowFriendsToJoin": true,
"GenerateRandomWorld": false,
"AdvancedGameSettings": {
"MeteorImpactInDays": 30.0,
"MaxProfessionsPerCitizen": 20.0,
"MaxSpecialtiesPerCitizen": 66.0,
"SkillCostMultiplier": 0.01,
"CraftResourceMultiplier": 0.01,
"CraftTimeMultiplier": 0.01,
"ClaimStakesGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 3.0,
"ClaimPapersGrantedUponSkillscrollConsumed": 500.0,
"CanAbandonSpecialties": true,
"SpecialtyRefundPercentage": 1.0,
"GainCharacterExperienceWithSpecialtyExperience": 100.0,
"StackSizeMultiplier": 100.0,
"WeightMultiplier": 0.01,
"FuelMultiplier": 100.0,
"GrowthRateMultiplier": 20.0,
"ConnectionRangeMultiplier": 10.0,
"ShelfLifeMultiplier": 99999.0,
"AllowDeepOceanBuilding": true
"EndgameCraftCost": "Normal",
"SkillbookCraftCost": "Normal",
"SwimSpeed": {
"Ocean": 0.75,
"DeepOcean": 0.25
"CalorieConsumptionRate": {
"Ocean": 2.0,
"DeepOcean": 30.0
"PlayerCanDrownWhenSwimming": true
Last edited by DalionHeart(TTV); Aug 29 @ 4:22pm
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Aug 30 @ 1:27am 
I'm not able to reproduce the issue with this file, but the settings are indeed extremely at the border of what is possible at most of the settings, especially in regard to the CraftTime, CraftResource and ConnectionRangeMultiplier (the latter having an explicit warning of having severe performance impact at doubling already, you 10x it) - I'd hence recommend to check if that issue also happens with more normal settings.
Last edited by SLG-Dennis; Aug 31 @ 5:55pm
They don't, but then they also don't in my settings, unless I get the speed craft boost after reaching rank 3 with a particular workbench and go to bed to further speed up craft times. :zagsad:
So I brought the crafting time up to .25, and I haven't crashed. So .1 is a little too low. Lol
SLG-Dennis  [developer] Aug 31 @ 5:15pm 
Glad to hear it's working now. We may set some lower and upper limits for the configs in the future, but so far I've actually never seen someone using such extreme settings, so it may not be necessary to begin with.
That's what I'm here for. To be stupid and test limits in the name of extreme laziness. LOL
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