

Drathy  [developer] Nov 5, 2016 @ 4:33pm
Run Wayward In A Browser (Again)!
Hey all,

Recently there's been a few people that have expressed an interest in running Wayward in a browser, either for travel or because they are on an unsupported operating system (Windows XP/Vista/Below Mac OS X 10.9) and the game will not load. Here's the way to do that!

I recommend you try with the latest Chrome. Other browsers may work, but I can't guarantee they will function properly. In fact, they will look like a mess. With that being said, I can't fully support this method of running Wayward either, so playing Wayward like this is technically unsupported, but still let me know if you run into any issues.

Also to note is all Steam features will be non-functional while running in the browser (like Steam Workshop/Steam Overlay/Saves or Steam Cloud).


Extract the folder in your Wayward Steam folder, like so:


If it complains about the paths being too long when extracting, use different archiving software like WinRAR. Then open the folder and double click the wayward.bat, you should see this:


It will open in your default browser, but you can copy and paste that http://localhost:8080 address to any browser.


64-bit: http://www.waywardgame.com/wayward-browser/wayward-browser-win-64.zip
32-bit: http://www.waywardgame.com/wayward-browser/wayward-browser-win-32.zip

Mac OS X

Extract the folder in your Wayward Steam folder, and open your "Terminal" program like so:



You'll need to enter some commands into the terminal. Do the following:

Type "cd", the a space. Drag your wayward-browser-mac folder into the terminal and hit enter. Next, type:

chmod +x wayward.sh

And then hit enter. Next, you can drag the wayward.sh into the terminal and hit enter to finally run Wayward. This is the only step you will need to do after the first setup.


64-bit: http://www.waywardgame.com/wayward-browser/wayward-browser-mac.zip


Extract the folder in your Wayward Steam folder, and open your "Terminal" program like so:



You'll need to enter some commands into the terminal. Do the following:

Type "cd", the a space. Drag your wayward-browser-linux folder into the terminal and hit enter. Next, type:

chmod +x wayward.sh

And then hit enter. Next, you can drag the wayward.sh into the terminal and hit enter to finally run Wayward. This is the only step you will need to do after the first setup.


32-bit: http://www.waywardgame.com/wayward-browser/wayward-browser-linux-32.zip
64-bit: http://www.waywardgame.com/wayward-browser/wayward-browser-linux-64.zip
Last edited by Drathy; Nov 12, 2016 @ 11:34am
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
ner0 Nov 12, 2016 @ 3:33pm 
I tried this with both Internet Explorer and Chrome and made sure Java was up to date but still no luck for me... Thanks Vista... :( Thanks so much for doing this though, I'm sure it will help some other people!
Drathy  [developer] Nov 12, 2016 @ 4:55pm 
That would be weird indeed if that didn't even work for you. Could you explain what was the issues were if you have a chance? Just trying to see if the error was in the setup or if it was erroring while in Chrome. Thanks!
Last edited by Drathy; Nov 12, 2016 @ 4:56pm
ner0 Nov 13, 2016 @ 12:32pm 
Originally posted by Drathy:
That would be weird indeed if that didn't even work for you. Could you explain what was the issues were if you have a chance? Just trying to see if the error was in the setup or if it was erroring while in Chrome. Thanks!
Well, I followed the instructions to a tee, but when I went to open the .bat file, the command prompt window popped open (two of them, actually), then I waited a bit and nothing happened. So I tried opening it again to the same effect. I then went into my default programs and set IE as my default browser in case it was chrome that wouldn't work and tried it with that and the same thing happened /:.
Drathy  [developer] Nov 14, 2016 @ 9:44pm 
I appreciate you testing this ner0417! It looks like the software I package actually phased out Vista and XP support, hah! I'll try include an older version that seems to work. I'll update this thread when I do.
Drathy  [developer] Nov 14, 2016 @ 11:16pm 
Okay, so the new downloads should work! I just tested on a very old XP machine and it ran!
ner0 Nov 15, 2016 @ 6:48am 
My pleasure! Although this does work more than before, it still won't actually launch the game for me. I tried both the 32 and 64 bit versions in both IE and chrome but it never lets me load in past the splash screen. I just end up having my cursor change to the sundial and I see the sliding 9 squares but it just kind of stagnates at that screen. Is it my hardware / software at this point?
Last edited by ner0; Nov 15, 2016 @ 6:49am
Kaldari Nov 20, 2016 @ 11:31am 
I've been running Wayward through Firefox on my XP system. It seems to take a while to extract the files, but runs ok.

Firefox is my default browser, but IE still loads. I have to manually paste the local host address into Firefox. IE seems to load with some sort of error, causing it to hang on the intro screen with the yellow Unlok on the brown background, with nine small white squares dead centre of the browser.

The mods aren't recognised though, but I suspect that's a Steam client issue as I discovered that there was no Workshop folder in SteamApps (I have other modded games, but haven't played them in a while). After re-installing Steam and a couple of restarts the folder appeared, with numbered folders in it, so the content is there but the game isn't being told about it.
Kaldari Nov 22, 2016 @ 10:04am 
Originally posted by ner0417:
My pleasure! Although this does work more than before, it still won't actually launch the game for me. I tried both the 32 and 64 bit versions in both IE and chrome but it never lets me load in past the splash screen. I just end up having my cursor change to the sundial and I see the sliding 9 squares but it just kind of stagnates at that screen. Is it my hardware / software at this point?

I just downloaded Chrome and tried the 32 bit version with it, and it did exactly the same, hung on the screen with the sliding squares.
Still working fine in Firefox (although the mods aren't showing up in the menu screen, but I'm fairly sure that's a Steam issue)

Now to uninstall Chrome and try Opera :)
I had the issue the others were having, then hit CTRL-C and suddenly got "All files extracted: and it worked
For those who are missing out mods. try the following: Copy the content of %whereever%\Steam\steamapps\common\Wayward\workshop\mods
Where %wherever% is wherever you installed Steam.

Do note: the mods wont be updated in this folder. So should a mod be updated via workshop, you have to copy the updated content again. Not sure if this works for the browser thing, I don't feel the need to play in a browser, but I tested it on starting wayward.exe without Steam. And it seems to work.
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Date Posted: Nov 5, 2016 @ 4:33pm
Posts: 10